Hi, Jeff,

Thanks a lot for your great job. We really appreciate it.

Where can I find the latest fix?

Since you have the multi-byte characters environment with the fix, could you please try out the following use case which failed for me before and see if they are fixed too?

1. Create a py script, test.py. The test.py file defines a function called create() which simply returns the value of the parameter:

def create(name):
    return name

2. Then start Jython 2.7 and run:

>>> execfile("test.py")
>>> create("\u4f7f\u7528')  <-- input multi-byte characters
u'\u4F7F\u7528'      <-- Expecting the same unicode representing the multi-byte characters, but instead got something like '\xBB\xC8\xCD\xD1' which is not correct to me.

If it's not fixed, do I need to file a new issue or just keep using this issue #?

Thanks a lot,

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 12:36 AM, Jeff Allen <report@bugs.jython.org> wrote:

Jeff Allen added the comment:

The console hang is now corrected in http://hg.python.org/jython/rev/eef3fcffc58a .

As noted, further disappointments are in store for the user of codepage 936 until 1) #1066 is resolved, and 2) Jython is able to recognise the equivalence of the Java and Python codecs. This is because, eventually, someone will do the equivalent of codecs.lookup(sys.stdout.encoding),
which will contain the name Java chose.

I'll hold this open for now as a reminder about 2). I think we could solve that either by trying the alias names of the Java codec, to find one Python likes, probably here: http://hg.python.org/jython/file/eef3fcffc58a/src/org/python/core/PySystemState.java#l274, or by adding the Java-canonical name to aliases.py.

Even without that, once #1066 is in place, I expect the environment variable PYTHONIOENCODING, set to a name both Python and Java recognise, would work around problem 2).

title: jython 2.7 beta 1 standalone hangs on multi-byte characters on Windows 8 -> Hang on multi-byte characters on Windows

Jython tracker <report@bugs.jython.org>