
Author thobes
Recipients asnama, fwierzbicki, thobes
Date 2009-09-17.07:04:24
SpamBayes Score 6.420331e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
From where I'm standing this looks like a bug in the gdata API. CPython
does intern these kinds of strings, but there are no guarantees in
Python as a language that this kind of interning will be done. The 'is'
comparator is an identity equals comparator, nothing else. And interning
of strings that look like identifiers is a performance optimization in
CPython, any code comparing strings with 'is'/'is not' when identity
equality isn't what they are after (this is almost never the case with
strings) is faulty.
Date User Action Args
2009-09-17 07:04:24thobessetmessageid: <>
2009-09-17 07:04:24thobessetrecipients: + thobes, fwierzbicki, asnama
2009-09-17 07:04:24thobeslinkissue1471 messages
2009-09-17 07:04:24thobescreate