
Author pjenvey
Recipients alex.gronholm, amak, basti1302, otmarhumbel, pekka.klarck, pjenvey
Date 2011-01-23.20:46:31
SpamBayes Score 0.0020767224
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
We were just aiming to get 2.5.2 out ASAP (it's been a while since 2.5.1, the 2.5.2 release cycle has taken a while, etc). We probably would have released it today if this ticket was resolved.

No problem waiting a couple more days for a better fix, though. If it takes longer than that, just keep in mind you are the sole 2.5.2 release blocker =]
Date User Action Args
2011-01-23 20:46:31pjenveysetmessageid: <>
2011-01-23 20:46:31pjenveysetrecipients: + pjenvey, otmarhumbel, amak, pekka.klarck, alex.gronholm, basti1302
2011-01-23 20:46:31pjenveylinkissue1697 messages
2011-01-23 20:46:31pjenveycreate