
Author nriley
Recipients amak, fwierzbicki, nriley, pjenvey, yole
Date 2012-03-21.20:40:28
SpamBayes Score 1.0293342e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I've implemented a few more of the items, as well as some 2.6 -> 2.7 changes (bug fixes, thousands separators and {}).

 - implement 'n' formatting type for integers
 - implement remaining checks for error conditions
 - limit recursion level for recursive format specs

Nearly all of the tests from 2.7 pass.  Notably still remaining from the original list:

 - implement __format__ for floats
 - implement __format__ for datetime
Date User Action Args
2012-03-21 20:40:29nrileysetmessageid: <>
2012-03-21 20:40:29nrileysetrecipients: + nriley, fwierzbicki, amak, pjenvey, yole
2012-03-21 20:40:29nrileylinkissue1718 messages
2012-03-21 20:40:28nrileycreate