
Author darjus
Recipients darjus, fwierzbicki, hnaderi
Date 2012-05-21.23:59:47
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Hey Frank,

I did a little experiment in PyFunction. Wrapping the __call__ with recursion_depth check makes it obey the recursion limits, and it fixes Habib's problem (i guess because there's enough stack for classloader not to go mad). Now, this is a bit more code that every function call will use and will probably impact performance a bit (IMO, correctness first but I'll need to come up with a good benchmark to validate the performance difference). My biggest worry though is that stuff that worked before might not work. Without this code my system is able to recurse ~1600 times, but with the new check, it would do only 1000 times. Maybe we add it to 2.7 only and not 2.5...

One more thing. If someone sets a smaller java stack size, we would still hit this obscurish problem. Maybe we should change the exception message a bit so that it's at least a little more descriptive?

Let me know what you think?

    public PyObject __call__(ThreadState state, PyObject arg0, PyObject arg1) {
        if (state.recursion_depth++ > state.systemState.getrecursionlimit())
            throw Py.RuntimeError("maximum recursion depth exceeded");
        try {
            return, arg0, arg1, __globals__, func_defaults, func_closure);
        } finally {
Date User Action Args
2012-05-21 23:59:48darjussetmessageid: <>
2012-05-21 23:59:48darjussetrecipients: + darjus, fwierzbicki, hnaderi
2012-05-21 23:59:48darjuslinkissue1883 messages
2012-05-21 23:59:47darjuscreate