
Author fwierzbicki
Recipients alex.gronholm, fwierzbicki, paulfernhout
Date 2012-08-13.18:18:13
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Paul: thanks for the extra details!

Alex: I assigned this one to you - but really just to get your opinion since you know so much about Jython/Swing interaction. Hopefully you have some comments or suggestions on what we should do here (if anything). Perhaps it isn't even a bug anymore?
Date User Action Args
2012-08-13 18:18:13fwierzbickisetmessageid: <>
2012-08-13 18:18:13fwierzbickisetrecipients: + fwierzbicki, paulfernhout, alex.gronholm
2012-08-13 18:18:13fwierzbickilinkissue1256374 messages
2012-08-13 18:18:13fwierzbickicreate