
Author alex.gronholm
Recipients alex.gronholm, fwierzbicki, paulfernhout
Date 2012-10-27.22:53:53
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The reason this has taken so long is probably as follows:

Jython can be used either by directly launching it or from embedding it into an existing application. If Jython is launched directly, then sure, by all means we should handle all AWT exceptions through the exception hook if it exists. However, if Jython is embedded into the application, it may not be desirable in all situations to mess with the default exception handler. But I would still expect exceptions in Jython code to be handled by the exception hook, even when they're run in the Event Dispatch Thread! However, Java AWT code not called from Jython that throws an exception should not be redirected to the Jython exception hook. Is this even possible to accomplish? I'm such a noob in Jython development that I don't know where to even begin to work on such a solution.

Bottom line: IMHO this patch is too naïve -- a more sophisticated solution is needed.
Date User Action Args
2012-10-27 22:53:54alex.gronholmsetmessageid: <>
2012-10-27 22:53:54alex.gronholmsetrecipients: + alex.gronholm, fwierzbicki, paulfernhout
2012-10-27 22:53:54alex.gronholmlinkissue1256374 messages
2012-10-27 22:53:53alex.gronholmcreate