
Author zyasoft
Recipients JonathanFeinberg, changeablecore8, duffy151, fwierzbicki, irmen, santa4nt, zyasoft
Date 2014-06-08.17:04:42
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
We need to revisit the implementation of deque. Per, operations are threadsafe. We do not currently implement this threadsafety requirement in Jython's implementation.

For the unbounded case, we should use, which is new with Java 7. This seems to be a more or less exact match.

For the bounded case (with maxlen), the discard semantics are interesting and certainly not those of a synchronized ArrayDeque. We probably want to use an array of PyObject of size maxlen; then implement synchronized methods.

Exposing both approaches with the same API will require a modest amount of cleverness.
Date User Action Args
2014-06-08 17:04:43zyasoftsetmessageid: <>
2014-06-08 17:04:43zyasoftsetrecipients: + zyasoft, fwierzbicki, irmen, JonathanFeinberg, duffy151, santa4nt, changeablecore8
2014-06-08 17:04:43zyasoftlinkissue1949 messages
2014-06-08 17:04:42zyasoftcreate