package org.python.core; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.EventListener; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Queue; import org.python.core.util.StringUtil; import org.python.util.Generic; /** * PyJavaType modified to fix Jython bug 2391. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class PyJavaType extends PyType { private final static Class[] OO = {PyObject.class, PyObject.class}; /** Deprecated methods in java.awt.* that have bean property equivalents we prefer. */ private final static Set BAD_AWT_METHODS = Generic.set("layout", "insets", "size", "minimumSize", "preferredSize", "maximumSize", "bounds", "enable"); // Add well-known immutable classes from standard packages of // java.lang,, java.util that are not marked Cloneable. // This was found by hand, there are likely more! private final static Set> immutableClasses = Generic.set( Boolean.class, Byte.class, Character.class, Class.class, Double.class, Float.class, Integer.class, Long.class, Short.class, String.class,,,,,,, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.class); private static Map, PyBuiltinMethod[]> collectionProxies; /** * Other Java classes this type has MRO conflicts with. This doesn't matter for Java method * resolution, but if Python methods are added to the type, the added methods can't overlap with * methods added to any of the types in this set. If this type doesn't have any known conflicts, * this is null. */ private Set conflicted; /** * The names of methods that have been added to this class. */ private Set modified; public static PyObject wrapJavaObject(Object o) { PyObject obj = new PyObjectDerived(PyType.fromClass(o.getClass(), false)); obj.javaProxy = o; return obj; } public PyJavaType() { super(TYPE == null ? fromClass(PyType.class) : TYPE); } @Override protected boolean useMetatypeFirst(PyObject attr) { return !(attr instanceof PyReflectedField || attr instanceof PyReflectedFunction || attr instanceof PyBeanEventProperty); } // Java types are ok with things being added and removed from their dicts as long as there isn't @Override void type___setattr__(String name, PyObject value) { PyObject field = lookup(name);// If we have a static field that takes this, go with that if (field != null) { if (field._doset(null, value)) { return; } } if (modified == null) { modified = Generic.set(); } if (modified.add(name)) { if (conflicted != null) { for (PyJavaType conflict : conflicted) { if (conflict.modified != null && conflict.modified.contains(name)) { throw Py.TypeError(getName() + " does not have a consistent method resolution order with " + conflict.getName() + ", and it already has " + name + " added for Python"); } } } } object___setattr__(name, value); postSetattr(name); } @Override void type___delattr__(String name) { PyObject field = lookup(name); if (field == null) { throw Py.NameError("attribute not found: "+name); } if (!field.jdontdel()) { object___delattr__(name); } if (modified != null) { modified.remove(name); } postDelattr(name); } @Override void handleMroError(MROMergeState[] toMerge, List mro) { if (underlying_class != null) { // If this descends from PyObject, don't do the Java mro cleanup super.handleMroError(toMerge, mro); } Set inConflict = Generic.set(); PyJavaType winner = null; for (MROMergeState mergee : toMerge) { for (int i =; i < mergee.mro.length; i++) { if (mergee.mro[i] == PyObject.TYPE || mergee.mro[i] == PyType.fromClass(Object.class)) { continue; } if (winner == null) { // Pick an arbitrary class to be added to the mro next and break the conflict. // If method name conflicts were allowed between methods added to Java types, // it would go first, but that's prevented, so being a winner doesn't actually // get it anything winner = (PyJavaType)mergee.mro[i]; } inConflict.add((PyJavaType)mergee.mro[i]); } } Set allModified = Generic.set(); PyJavaType[] conflictedAttributes = inConflict.toArray(new PyJavaType[inConflict.size()]); for (PyJavaType type : conflictedAttributes) { if (type.modified == null) { continue; } for (String method : type.modified) { if (!allModified.add(method)) { // Another type in conflict has this method, fail PyList types = new PyList(); for (PyJavaType othertype : conflictedAttributes) { if (othertype.modified != null && othertype.modified.contains(method)) { types.add(othertype); } } throw Py.TypeError(String.format("Supertypes that share a modified attribute " + " have an MRO conflict[attribute=%s, types=%s]", method, types)); } } } // We can keep trucking, there aren't any existing method name conflicts. Mark the // conflicts in all the classes so further method additions can check for trouble for (PyJavaType type : conflictedAttributes) { for (PyJavaType otherType : inConflict) { if (otherType != type) { if (type.conflicted == null) { type.conflicted = Generic.set(); } type.conflicted.add(otherType); } } } // Add our winner to the mro, clear the clog, and try to finish the rest mro.add(winner); for (MROMergeState mergee : toMerge) { mergee.removeFromUnmerged(winner); } computeMro(toMerge, mro); } @Override protected void init(Class forClass, Set needsInners) { name = forClass.getName(); // Strip the java fully qualified class name from Py classes in core if (name.startsWith("org.python.core.Py")) { name = name.substring("org.python.core.Py".length()).toLowerCase(); } dict = new PyStringMap(); Class baseClass = forClass.getSuperclass(); if (PyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(forClass)) { // Non-exposed subclasses of PyObject use a simple linear mro to PyObject that ignores // their interfaces underlying_class = forClass; computeLinearMro(baseClass); } else { needsInners.add(this); javaProxy = forClass; objtype = PyType.fromClassSkippingInners(Class.class, needsInners); // Wrapped Java types fill in their mro first using all of their interfaces then their // super class. List visibleBases = Generic.list(); for (Class iface : forClass.getInterfaces()) { if (iface == PyProxy.class || iface == ClassDictInit.class) { // Don't show the interfaces added by proxy type construction; otherwise Python // subclasses of proxy types and another Java interface can't make a consistent // mro continue; } if (baseClass != null && iface.isAssignableFrom(baseClass)) { // Don't include redundant interfaces. If the redundant interface has methods // that were combined with methods of the same name from other interfaces higher // in the hierarchy, adding it here hides the forms from those interfaces. continue; } visibleBases.add(PyType.fromClassSkippingInners(iface, needsInners)); } if (javaProxy == Object.class) { base = PyType.fromClassSkippingInners(PyObject.class, needsInners); } else if(baseClass == null) { base = PyType.fromClassSkippingInners(Object.class, needsInners); }else if (javaProxy == Class.class) { base = PyType.fromClassSkippingInners(PyType.class, needsInners); } else { base = PyType.fromClassSkippingInners(baseClass, needsInners); } visibleBases.add(base); this.bases = visibleBases.toArray(new PyObject[visibleBases.size()]); mro = computeMro(); } // PyReflected* can't call or access anything from non-public classes that aren't in // org.python.core if (!Modifier.isPublic(forClass.getModifiers()) && !name.startsWith("org.python.core") && Options.respectJavaAccessibility) { handleSuperMethodArgCollisions(forClass); return; } // Add methods and determine bean properties declared on this class Map props =; Map events =; Method[] methods; if (Options.respectJavaAccessibility) { // returns just the public methods methods = forClass.getMethods(); } else { // Grab all methods on this class and all of its superclasses and make them accessible List allMethods = Generic.list(); for(Class c = forClass; c != null; c = c.getSuperclass()) { for (Method meth : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { allMethods.add(meth); meth.setAccessible(true); } } methods = allMethods.toArray(new Method[allMethods.size()]); } // === START PATCH FOR BUG 2391 === final Comparator> classComparator = new Comparator>() { public int compare(Class c1, Class c2) { if (c1.equals(c2)) { return 0; } if (c1.isAssignableFrom(c2)) { return -1; } if (c2.isAssignableFrom(c1)) { return 1; } String s1 = hierarchyName(c1); String s2 = hierarchyName(c2); return s1.compareTo(s2); } private String hierarchyName(Class c) { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); do { name.insert(0, c.getSimpleName()); c = c.getSuperclass(); } while (c != null); return name.toString(); } }; Comparator methodComparator = new Comparator() { public int compare(Method m1, Method m2) { int result = m1.getName().compareTo(m2.getName()); if (result != 0) { return result; } Class[] p1 = m1.getParameterTypes(); Class[] p2 = m2.getParameterTypes(); int n1 = p1.length; int n2 = p2.length; result = n1 - n2; if (result != 0) { return result; } result =, m2.getDeclaringClass()); if (result != 0) { return result; } if (n1 == 0) { result =, m2.getReturnType()); } else if (n1 == 1) { result =[0], p2[0]); } return result; } }; Arrays.sort(methods, methodComparator); // ==== END PATCH FOR BUG 2391 ==== boolean isInAwt = name.startsWith("java.awt.") && name.indexOf('.', 9) == -1; for (Method meth : methods) { if (!declaredOnMember(baseClass, meth) || ignore(meth)) { continue; } String methname = meth.getName(); // Special case a few troublesome methods in java.awt.*. These methods are all // deprecated and interfere too badly with bean properties to be tolerated. This is // totally a hack but a lot of code that uses java.awt will break without it. if (isInAwt && BAD_AWT_METHODS.contains(methname)) { continue; } String nmethname = normalize(methname); PyReflectedFunction reflfunc = (PyReflectedFunction)dict.__finditem__(nmethname); if (reflfunc == null) { dict.__setitem__(nmethname, new PyReflectedFunction(meth)); } else { reflfunc.addMethod(meth); } // Now check if this is a bean method, for which it must be an instance method if (Modifier.isStatic(meth.getModifiers())) { continue; } // First check if this is a bean event addition method int n = meth.getParameterTypes().length; if ((methname.startsWith("add") || methname.startsWith("set")) && methname.endsWith("Listener") && n == 1 && meth.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE && EventListener.class.isAssignableFrom(meth.getParameterTypes()[0])) { Class eventClass = meth.getParameterTypes()[0]; String ename = eventClass.getName(); int idot = ename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idot != -1) { ename = ename.substring(idot + 1); } ename = normalize(StringUtil.decapitalize(ename)); events.put(ename, new PyBeanEvent(ename, eventClass, meth)); continue; } // Now check if it's a bean property accessor String beanPropertyName = null; boolean get = true; if (methname.startsWith("get") && methname.length() > 3 && n == 0) { beanPropertyName = methname.substring(3); } else if (methname.startsWith("is") && methname.length() > 2 && n == 0 && meth.getReturnType() == Boolean.TYPE) { beanPropertyName = methname.substring(2); } else if (methname.startsWith("set") && methname.length() > 3 && n == 1) { beanPropertyName = methname.substring(3); get = false; } if (beanPropertyName != null) { beanPropertyName = normalize(StringUtil.decapitalize(beanPropertyName)); PyBeanProperty prop = props.get(beanPropertyName); if (prop == null) { prop = new PyBeanProperty(beanPropertyName, null, null, null); props.put(beanPropertyName, prop); } if (get) { prop.getMethod = meth; prop.myType = meth.getReturnType(); } else { prop.setMethod = meth; // Needed for readonly properties. Getter will be used instead // if there is one. Only works if setX method has exactly one // param, which is the only reasonable case. // XXX: should we issue a warning if setX and getX have different // types? if (prop.myType == null) { Class[] params = meth.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length == 1) { prop.myType = params[0]; } } } } } // Add superclass methods for (Method meth : methods) { String nmethname = normalize(meth.getName()); PyReflectedFunction reflfunc = (PyReflectedFunction)dict.__finditem__(nmethname); if (reflfunc != null) { // The superclass method has the same name as one declared on this class, so add // the superclass version's arguments reflfunc.addMethod(meth); } else if (PyReflectedFunction.isPackagedProtected(meth.getDeclaringClass()) && lookup(nmethname) == null) { // This method must be a public method from a package protected superclass. It's // visible from Java on this class, so do the same for Python here. This is the // flipside of what handleSuperMethodArgCollisions does for inherited public methods // on package protected classes. dict.__setitem__(nmethname, new PyReflectedFunction(meth)); } } // Add fields declared on this type Field[] fields; if (Options.respectJavaAccessibility) { // returns just the public fields fields = forClass.getFields(); } else { fields = forClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { field.setAccessible(true); } } for (Field field : fields) { if (!declaredOnMember(baseClass, field)) { continue; } String fldname = field.getName(); if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { if (fldname.startsWith("__doc__") && fldname.length() > 7 && field.getType() == PyString.class) { String fname = fldname.substring(7).intern(); PyObject memb = dict.__finditem__(fname); if (memb != null && memb instanceof PyReflectedFunction) { PyString doc = null; try { doc = (PyString)field.get(null); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw Py.JavaError(e); } ((PyReflectedFunction)memb).__doc__ = doc; } } } if (dict.__finditem__(normalize(fldname)) == null) { dict.__setitem__(normalize(fldname), new PyReflectedField(field)); } } for (PyBeanEvent ev : events.values()) { if (dict.__finditem__(ev.__name__) == null) { dict.__setitem__(ev.__name__, ev); } for (Method meth : ev.eventClass.getMethods()) { String methodName = meth.getName().intern(); if (dict.__finditem__(methodName) != null) { continue; } dict.__setitem__(methodName, new PyBeanEventProperty(methodName, ev.eventClass, ev.addMethod, meth)); } } // Fill in the bean properties picked up while going through the methods for (PyBeanProperty prop : props.values()) { PyObject prev = dict.__finditem__(prop.__name__); if (prev != null) { if (!(prev instanceof PyReflectedField) || !Modifier.isStatic(((PyReflectedField)prev).field.getModifiers())) { // Any methods or non-static fields take precedence over the bean property continue; } else { // Must've been a static field, so add it to the property prop.field = ((PyReflectedField)prev).field; } } // If one of our superclasses has something defined for this name, check if its a bean // property, and if so, try to fill in any gaps in our property from there PyObject fromType[] = new PyObject[] { null }; PyObject superForName = lookup_where_mro(prop.__name__, fromType); if (superForName instanceof PyBeanProperty) { PyBeanProperty superProp = ((PyBeanProperty)superForName); // If it has a set method and we don't, take it regardless. If the types don't line // up, it'll be rejected below if (prop.setMethod == null) { prop.setMethod = superProp.setMethod; } else if (prop.getMethod == null && superProp.myType == prop.setMethod.getParameterTypes()[0]) { // Only take a get method if the type on it agrees with the set method // we already have. The bean on this type overrides a conflicting one // of the parent prop.getMethod = superProp.getMethod; prop.myType = superProp.myType; } if (prop.field == null) { // If the parent bean is hiding a static field, we need it as well. prop.field = superProp.field; } } else if (superForName != null && fromType[0] != this && !(superForName instanceof PyBeanEvent)) { // There is already an entry for this name // It came from a type which is not @this; it came from a superclass // It is not a bean event // Do not override methods defined in superclass continue; } // If the return types on the set and get methods for a property don't agree, the get // method takes precedence if (prop.getMethod != null && prop.setMethod != null && prop.myType != prop.setMethod.getParameterTypes()[0]) { prop.setMethod = null; } dict.__setitem__(prop.__name__, prop); } final PyReflectedConstructor reflctr = new PyReflectedConstructor(name); Constructor[] constructors; // No matter the security manager, trying to set the constructor on class to accessible // blows up if (Options.respectJavaAccessibility || Class.class == forClass) { // returns just the public constructors constructors = forClass.getConstructors(); } else { constructors = forClass.getDeclaredConstructors(); for (Constructor ctr : constructors) { ctr.setAccessible(true); } } for (Constructor ctr : constructors) { reflctr.addConstructor(ctr); } if (PyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(forClass)) { PyObject new_ = new PyNewWrapper(forClass, "__new__", -1, -1) { @Override public PyObject new_impl(boolean init, PyType subtype, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) { return reflctr.make(args, keywords); } }; dict.__setitem__("__new__", new_); } else { dict.__setitem__("__init__", reflctr); } for (Map.Entry, PyBuiltinMethod[]> entry : getCollectionProxies().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == forClass) { for (PyBuiltinMethod meth : entry.getValue()) { addMethod(meth); } } } if (ClassDictInit.class.isAssignableFrom(forClass) && forClass != ClassDictInit.class) { try { Method m = forClass.getMethod("classDictInit", PyObject.class); m.invoke(null, dict); // allow the class to override its name after it is loaded PyObject nameSpecified = dict.__finditem__("__name__"); if (nameSpecified != null) { name = nameSpecified.toString(); } } catch (Exception exc) { throw Py.JavaError(exc); } } if (baseClass != Object.class) { hasGet = getDescrMethod(forClass, "__get__", OO) != null || getDescrMethod(forClass, "_doget", PyObject.class) != null || getDescrMethod(forClass, "_doget", OO) != null; hasSet = getDescrMethod(forClass, "__set__", OO) != null || getDescrMethod(forClass, "_doset", OO) != null; hasDelete = getDescrMethod(forClass, "__delete__", PyObject.class) != null || getDescrMethod(forClass, "_dodel", PyObject.class) != null; } if (forClass == Object.class) { addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__copy__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { throw Py.TypeError("Could not copy Java object because it is not Cloneable or known to be immutable. " + "Consider monkeypatching __copy__ for " + self.getType().fastGetName()); } }); addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__deepcopy__") { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject memo) { throw Py.TypeError("Could not deepcopy Java object because it is not Serializable. " + "Consider monkeypatching __deepcopy__ for " + self.getType().fastGetName()); } }); addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__eq__", 1) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject o) { Object proxy = self.getJavaProxy(); Object oProxy = o.getJavaProxy(); return proxy.equals(oProxy) ? Py.True : Py.False; } }); addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__ne__", 1) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject o) { Object proxy = self.getJavaProxy(); Object oProxy = o.getJavaProxy(); return !proxy.equals(oProxy) ? Py.True : Py.False; } }); addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__hash__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return Py.newInteger(self.getJavaProxy().hashCode()); } }); addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__repr__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return Py.newString(self.getJavaProxy().toString()); } }); addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__unicode__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return new PyUnicode(self.toString()); } }); } if(forClass == Comparable.class) { addMethod(new ComparableMethod("__lt__", 1) { @Override protected boolean getResult(int comparison) { return comparison < 0; } }); addMethod(new ComparableMethod("__le__", 1) { @Override protected boolean getResult(int comparison) { return comparison <= 0; } }); addMethod(new ComparableMethod("__gt__", 1) { @Override protected boolean getResult(int comparison) { return comparison > 0; } }); addMethod(new ComparableMethod("__ge__", 1) { @Override protected boolean getResult(int comparison) { return comparison >= 0; } }); } if (immutableClasses.contains(forClass)) { // __deepcopy__ just works for these objects since it uses serialization instead addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__copy__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return self; } }); } if(forClass == Cloneable.class) { addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__copy__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { Object obj = self.getJavaProxy(); Method clone; // TODO we could specialize so that for well known objects like collections. This would avoid needing to use reflection // in the general case, because Object#clone is protected (but most subclasses are not). // // Lastly we can potentially cache the method handle in the proxy instead of looking it up each time try { clone = obj.getClass().getMethod("clone"); Object copy = clone.invoke(obj); return Py.java2py(copy); } catch (Exception ex) { throw Py.TypeError("Could not copy Java object"); } } }); } if(forClass == Serializable.class) { addMethod(new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__deepcopy__") { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject memo) { Object obj = self.getJavaProxy(); try { Object copy = cloneX(obj); return Py.java2py(copy); } catch (Exception ex) { throw Py.TypeError("Could not copy Java object"); } } }); } } // cloneX, CloneOutput, CloneInput are verbatim from Eamonn McManus' // // blog post on deep cloning through serialization - // just what we need for __deepcopy__ support of Java objects private static T cloneX(T x) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); CloneOutput cout = new CloneOutput(bout); cout.writeObject(x); byte[] bytes = bout.toByteArray(); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); CloneInput cin = new CloneInput(bin, cout); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // thanks to Bas de Bakker for the tip! T clone = (T) cin.readObject(); return clone; } private static class CloneOutput extends ObjectOutputStream { Queue> classQueue = new LinkedList>(); CloneOutput(OutputStream out) throws IOException { super(out); } @Override protected void annotateClass(Class c) { classQueue.add(c); } @Override protected void annotateProxyClass(Class c) { classQueue.add(c); } } private static class CloneInput extends ObjectInputStream { private final CloneOutput output; CloneInput(InputStream in, CloneOutput output) throws IOException { super(in); this.output = output; } @Override protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass osc) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Class c = output.classQueue.poll(); String expected = osc.getName(); String found = (c == null) ? null : c.getName(); if (!expected.equals(found)) { throw new InvalidClassException("Classes desynchronized: " + "found " + found + " when expecting " + expected); } return c; } @Override protected Class resolveProxyClass(String[] interfaceNames) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { return output.classQueue.poll(); } } /** * Private, protected or package protected classes that implement public interfaces or extend * public classes can't have their implementations of the methods of their supertypes called * through reflection due to Sun VM bug 4071957( They can be called * through the supertype version of the method though. Unfortunately we can't just let normal * mro lookup of those methods handle routing the call to the correct version as a class can * implement interfaces or classes that each have methods with the same name that takes * different number or types of arguments. Instead this method goes through all interfaces * implemented by this class, and combines same-named methods into a single PyReflectedFunction. * * Prior to Jython 2.5, this was handled in PyJavaClass.setMethods by setting methods in package * protected classes accessible which made them callable through reflection. That had the * drawback of failing when running in a security environment that didn't allow setting * accessibility, so this method replaced it. */ private void handleSuperMethodArgCollisions(Class forClass) { for (Class iface : forClass.getInterfaces()) { mergeMethods(iface); } if (forClass.getSuperclass() != null) { mergeMethods(forClass.getSuperclass()); if (!Modifier.isPublic(forClass.getSuperclass().getModifiers())) { // If the superclass is also not public, it needs to get the same treatment as we // can't call its methods either. handleSuperMethodArgCollisions(forClass.getSuperclass()); } } } private void mergeMethods(Class parent) { for (Method meth : parent.getMethods()) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(meth.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { // Ignore methods from non-public interfaces as they're similarly bugged continue; } String nmethname = normalize(meth.getName()); PyObject[] where = new PyObject[1]; PyObject obj = lookup_where_mro(nmethname, where); if (obj == null) { // Nothing in our supertype hierarchy defines something with this name, so it // must not be visible there. continue; } else if (where[0] == this) { // This method is the only thing defining items in this class' dict, so it must // be a PyReflectedFunction created here. See if it needs the current method // added to it. if (!((PyReflectedFunction)obj).handles(meth)) { ((PyReflectedFunction)obj).addMethod(meth); } } else { // There's something in a superclass with the same name. Add an item to this type's // dict to hide it. If it's this method, nothing's changed. If it's a field, we // want to make the method visible. If it's a different method, it'll be added to // the reflected function created here in a later call. dict.__setitem__(nmethname, new PyReflectedFunction(meth)); } } } private static boolean declaredOnMember(Class base, Member declaring) { return base == null || (declaring.getDeclaringClass() != base && base.isAssignableFrom(declaring.getDeclaringClass())); } private static String normalize(String name) { if (name.endsWith("$")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1); } return name.intern(); } private static Method getDescrMethod(Class c, String name, Class... parmtypes) { Method meth; try { meth = c.getMethod(name, parmtypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { return null; } if (!Modifier.isStatic(meth.getModifiers()) && meth.getDeclaringClass() != PyObject.class) { return meth; } return null; } private static boolean ignore(Method meth) { Class[] exceptions = meth.getExceptionTypes(); for (Class exception : exceptions) { if (exception == PyIgnoreMethodTag.class) { return true; } } return false; } private static class EnumerationIter extends PyIterator { private Enumeration proxy; public EnumerationIter(Enumeration proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; } public PyObject __iternext__() { return proxy.hasMoreElements() ? Py.java2py(proxy.nextElement()) : null; } } private static class IteratorIter extends PyIterator { private Iterator proxy; public IteratorIter(Iterable proxy) { this(proxy.iterator()); } public IteratorIter(Iterator proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; } public PyObject __iternext__() { return proxy.hasNext() ? Py.java2py( : null; } } private static class ListMethod extends PyBuiltinMethodNarrow { protected ListMethod(String name, int numArgs) { super(name, numArgs); } protected List asList(){ return (List)self.getJavaProxy(); } } private static class MapMethod extends PyBuiltinMethodNarrow { protected MapMethod(String name, int numArgs) { super(name, numArgs); } protected Map asMap(){ return (Map)self.getJavaProxy(); } } private static abstract class ComparableMethod extends PyBuiltinMethodNarrow { protected ComparableMethod(String name, int numArgs) { super(name, numArgs); } @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject arg) { Object asjava = arg.__tojava__(Object.class); int compare; try { compare = ((Comparable)self.getJavaProxy()).compareTo(asjava); } catch(ClassCastException classCast) { return Py.NotImplemented; } return getResult(compare) ? Py.True : Py.False; } protected abstract boolean getResult(int comparison); } private static Map, PyBuiltinMethod[]> getCollectionProxies() { if (collectionProxies == null) { collectionProxies =; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow iterableProxy = new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__iter__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return new IteratorIter(((Iterable)self.getJavaProxy())); } }; collectionProxies.put(Iterable.class, new PyBuiltinMethod[] {iterableProxy}); PyBuiltinMethodNarrow lenProxy = new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__len__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return Py.newInteger(((Collection)self.getJavaProxy()).size()); } }; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow containsProxy = new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__contains__") { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject obj) { Object other = obj.__tojava__(Object.class); boolean contained = ((Collection)self.getJavaProxy()).contains(other); return contained ? Py.True : Py.False; } }; collectionProxies.put(Collection.class, new PyBuiltinMethod[] {lenProxy, containsProxy}); PyBuiltinMethodNarrow iteratorProxy = new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__iter__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return new IteratorIter(((Iterator)self.getJavaProxy())); } }; collectionProxies.put(Iterator.class, new PyBuiltinMethod[] {iteratorProxy}); PyBuiltinMethodNarrow enumerationProxy = new PyBuiltinMethodNarrow("__iter__") { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return new EnumerationIter(((Enumeration)self.getJavaProxy())); } }; collectionProxies.put(Enumeration.class, new PyBuiltinMethod[] {enumerationProxy}); // Map doesn't extend Collection, so it needs its own version of len, iter and contains PyBuiltinMethodNarrow mapLenProxy = new MapMethod("__len__", 0) { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return Py.java2py(asMap().size()); } }; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow mapIterProxy = new MapMethod("__iter__", 0) { @Override public PyObject __call__() { return new IteratorIter(asMap().keySet()); } }; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow mapContainsProxy = new MapMethod("__contains__", 1) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject obj) { Object other = obj.__tojava__(Object.class); return asMap().containsKey(other) ? Py.True : Py.False; } }; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow mapGetProxy = new MapMethod("__getitem__", 1) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject key) { return Py.java2py(asMap().get(Py.tojava(key, Object.class))); } }; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow mapPutProxy = new MapMethod("__setitem__", 2) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject key, PyObject value) { return Py.java2py(asMap().put(Py.tojava(key, Object.class), Py.tojava(value, Object.class))); } }; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow mapRemoveProxy = new MapMethod("__delitem__", 1) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject key) { return Py.java2py(asMap().remove(Py.tojava(key, Object.class))); } }; collectionProxies.put(Map.class, new PyBuiltinMethod[] {mapLenProxy, mapIterProxy, mapContainsProxy, mapGetProxy, mapPutProxy, mapRemoveProxy}); PyBuiltinMethodNarrow listGetProxy = new ListMethod("__getitem__", 1) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject key) { return new ListIndexDelegate(asList()).checkIdxAndGetItem(key); } }; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow listSetProxy = new ListMethod("__setitem__", 2) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject key, PyObject value) { new ListIndexDelegate(asList()).checkIdxAndSetItem(key, value); return Py.None; } }; PyBuiltinMethodNarrow listRemoveProxy = new ListMethod("__delitem__", 1) { @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject key) { new ListIndexDelegate(asList()).checkIdxAndDelItem(key); return Py.None; } }; collectionProxies.put(List.class, new PyBuiltinMethod[] {listGetProxy, listSetProxy, listRemoveProxy}); } return collectionProxies; } protected static class ListIndexDelegate extends SequenceIndexDelegate { private final List list; public ListIndexDelegate(List list) { this.list = list; } @Override public void delItem(int idx) { list.remove(idx); } @Override public PyObject getItem(int idx) { return Py.java2py(list.get(idx)); } @Override public PyObject getSlice(int start, int stop, int step) { if (step > 0 && stop < start) { stop = start; } int n = PySequence.sliceLength(start, stop, step); List newList; try { newList = list.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw Py.JavaError(e); } int j = 0; for (int i = start; j < n; i += step) { newList.add(list.get(i)); j++; } return Py.java2py(newList); } @Override public String getTypeName() { return list.getClass().getName(); } @Override public int len() { return list.size(); } @Override public void setItem(int idx, PyObject value) { list.set(idx, value.__tojava__(Object.class)); } @Override public void setSlice(int start, int stop, int step, PyObject value) { if (stop < start) { stop = start; } if (value.javaProxy == this.list) { List xs = Generic.list(); xs.addAll(this.list); setsliceList(start, stop, step, xs); } else if (value instanceof PyList) { setslicePyList(start, stop, step, (PyList)value); } else { Object valueList = value.__tojava__(List.class); if (valueList != null && valueList != Py.NoConversion) { setsliceList(start, stop, step, (List)valueList); } else { setsliceIterator(start, stop, step, value.asIterable().iterator()); } } } final private void setsliceList(int start, int stop, int step, List value) { if (step == 1) { list.subList(start, stop).clear(); list.addAll(start, value); } else { int size = list.size(); Iterator iter = value.listIterator(); for (int j = start; iter.hasNext(); j += step) { Object item; if (j >= size) { list.add(item); } else { list.set(j, item); } } } } final private void setsliceIterator(int start, int stop, int step, Iterator iter) { if (step == 1) { List insertion = new ArrayList(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { insertion.add(; } } list.subList(start, stop).clear(); list.addAll(start, insertion); } else { int size = list.size(); for (int j = start; iter.hasNext(); j += step) { Object item =; if (j >= size) { list.add(item); } else { list.set(j, item); } } } } final private void setslicePyList(int start, int stop, int step, PyList value) { if (step == 1) { list.subList(start, stop).clear(); int n = value.getList().size(); for (int i=0, j=start; i iter = value.getList().listIterator(); for (int j = start; iter.hasNext(); j += step) { Object item =; if (j >= size) { list.add(item); } else { list.set(j, item); } } } } @Override public void delItems(int start, int stop) { int n = stop - start; while (n-- > 0) { delItem(start); } } } }