import array import encodings.idna import errno import jarray import logging import numbers import pprint import struct import sys import time import _google_ipaddr_r234 from collections import namedtuple, Iterable from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import partial, wraps from itertools import chain from jythonlib import MapMaker, dict_builder from numbers import Number from StringIO import StringIO from threading import Condition, Lock from types import MethodType, NoneType import java from import IOException, InterruptedIOException from java.lang import Thread, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalStateException from import InetAddress, InetSocketAddress from java.nio.channels import ClosedChannelException from import CertificateException from java.util import NoSuchElementException from java.util.concurrent import ( ArrayBlockingQueue, CopyOnWriteArrayList, CountDownLatch, LinkedBlockingQueue, ExecutionException, RejectedExecutionException, ThreadFactory, TimeoutException, TimeUnit) from java.util.concurrent.atomic import AtomicBoolean, AtomicLong from import SSLPeerUnverifiedException, SSLException, SSLHandshakeException try: # jarjar-ed version from org.python.netty.bootstrap import Bootstrap, ChannelFactory, ServerBootstrap from org.python.netty.buffer import PooledByteBufAllocator, Unpooled from import ChannelException as NettyChannelException, ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter, ChannelInitializer, ChannelOption from import NioEventLoopGroup from import DatagramPacket from import NioDatagramChannel, NioSocketChannel, NioServerSocketChannel from org.python.netty.handler.ssl import NotSslRecordException except ImportError: # dev version from extlibs from io.netty.bootstrap import Bootstrap, ChannelFactory, ServerBootstrap from io.netty.buffer import PooledByteBufAllocator, Unpooled from import ChannelException as NettyChannelException, ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter, ChannelInitializer, ChannelOption from import NioEventLoopGroup from import DatagramPacket from import NioDatagramChannel, NioSocketChannel, NioServerSocketChannel from io.netty.handler.ssl import NotSslRecordException log = logging.getLogger("_socket") log.setLevel(level=logging.WARNING) def _debug(): FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(threadName)s %(levelname)s %(funcName)s %(message)s %(sock)s' debug_sh = logging.StreamHandler() debug_sh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(FORMAT)) log.addHandler(debug_sh) log.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) # _debug() # UNCOMMENT to get logging of socket activity # Constants ########### has_ipv6 = True # IPV6 FTW! _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = object() _EPHEMERAL_ADDRESS = InetSocketAddress(0) _BOUND_EPHEMERAL_ADDRESS = object() # FIXME most constants should come from JNR if possible; they may be # arbitrary for the implementation of socket/ssl/select purposes, but # some misbehaved code may want to use the arbitrary numbers SHUT_RD = 0 SHUT_WR = 1 SHUT_RDWR = 2 AF_UNSPEC = 0 AF_INET = 2 AF_INET6 = 23 AI_PASSIVE = 1 AI_CANONNAME = 2 AI_NUMERICHOST = 4 AI_V4MAPPED = 8 AI_ALL = 16 AI_ADDRCONFIG = 32 AI_NUMERICSERV = 1024 EAI_NONAME = -2 EAI_SERVICE = -8 EAI_ADDRFAMILY = -9 NI_NUMERICHOST = 1 NI_NUMERICSERV = 2 NI_NOFQDN = 4 NI_NAMEREQD = 8 NI_DGRAM = 16 NI_MAXSERV = 32 NI_IDN = 64 NI_IDN_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED = 128 NI_IDN_USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES = 256 NI_MAXHOST = 1025 SOCK_DGRAM = 1 SOCK_STREAM = 2 SOCK_RAW = 3 # not supported SOCK_RDM = 4 # not supported SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5 # not supported SOL_SOCKET = 0xFFFF IPPROTO_AH = 51 # not supported IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 60 # not supported IPPROTO_ESP = 50 # not supported IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 44 # not supported IPPROTO_GGP = 3 # not supported IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0 # not supported IPPROTO_ICMP = 1 # not supported IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58 # not supported IPPROTO_IDP = 22 # not supported IPPROTO_IGMP = 2 # not supported IPPROTO_IP = 0 IPPROTO_IPV4 = 4 # not supported IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41 # not supported IPPROTO_MAX = 256 # not supported IPPROTO_ND = 77 # not supported IPPROTO_NONE = 59 # not supported IPPROTO_PUP = 12 # not supported IPPROTO_RAW = 255 # not supported IPPROTO_ROUTING = 43 # not supported SOL_TCP = IPPROTO_TCP = 6 IPPROTO_UDP = 17 SO_ACCEPTCONN = 1 SO_BROADCAST = 2 SO_ERROR = 4 SO_KEEPALIVE = 8 SO_LINGER = 16 SO_OOBINLINE = 32 SO_RCVBUF = 64 SO_REUSEADDR = 128 SO_SNDBUF = 256 SO_TIMEOUT = 512 SO_TYPE = 1024 # Options with negative constants are not supported # They are being added here so that code that refers to them # will not break with an AttributeError SO_DEBUG = -1 SO_DONTROUTE = -1 SO_RCVLOWAT = -16 SO_RCVTIMEO = -32 SO_REUSEPORT = -64 SO_SNDLOWAT = -128 SO_SNDTIMEO = -256 SO_USELOOPBACK = -512 TCP_NODELAY = 2048 INADDR_ANY = "" INADDR_BROADCAST = "" IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT = "::" POLLIN = 1 POLLOUT = 2 POLLPRI = 4 # Ignored - not supportable on Java POLLERR = 8 POLLHUP = 16 POLLNVAL = 32 # Polled when not open - no Netty channel # Specific constants for socket-reboot: # Keep the highest possible precision for converting from Python's use # of floating point for durations to Java's use of both a long # duration and a specific unit, in this case TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS _TO_NANOSECONDS = 1000000000 _PEER_CLOSED = object() # Event loop management ####################### _NUM_THREADS = 10 # Use daemon threads for the event loop group. This is just fine # because these threads only handle ephemeral data, such as performing # SSL wrap/unwrap. class DaemonThreadFactory(ThreadFactory): thread_count = AtomicLong() def __init__(self, label): self.label = label def newThread(self, runnable): t = Thread(runnable) t.daemon = True = self.label % (self.thread_count.getAndIncrement()) return t NIO_GROUP = NioEventLoopGroup(_NUM_THREADS, DaemonThreadFactory("Jython-Netty-Client-%s")) def _check_threadpool_for_pending_threads(group): pending_threads = [] for t in group: pending_count = t.pendingTasks() if pending_count > 0: pending_threads.append((t, pending_count)) log.debug("Pending threads in Netty pool: %s", pprint.pformat(pending_threads), extra={"sock": "*"}) return pending_threads def _shutdown_threadpool(): log.debug("Shutting down thread pool...", extra={"sock": "*"}) # FIXME this timeout probably should be configurable; for client # usage that have completed this probably only produces scary # messages at worst, but TBD; in particular this may because we # are seeing closes both in SSL and at the socket level NIO_GROUP.shutdownGracefully(0, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) log.debug("Shut down thread pool", extra={"sock": "*"}) # Ensure deallocation of thread pool if PySystemState.cleanup is # called; this includes in the event of sigterm sys.registerCloser(_shutdown_threadpool) # Error management ################## class error(IOError): pass class herror(error): pass class gaierror(error): pass class timeout(error): pass class SSLError(error): pass # FIXME import from ssl, solving the usual mutual import schema SSL_ERROR_SSL = 1 SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ = 2 SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE = 3 SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP = 4 SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL = 5 SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN = 6 SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT = 7 SSL_ERROR_EOF = 8 SSL_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE = 9 SSL_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL = 10 # FIXME check code from OpenSSL def _add_exception_attrs(exc): exc.errno = exc[0] exc.strerror = exc[1] return exc def _unmapped_exception(exc): return _add_exception_attrs(error(-1, 'Unmapped exception: %s' % exc)) def java_net_socketexception_handler(exc): if exc.message.startswith("Address family not supported by protocol family"): return _add_exception_attrs( error(errno.EAFNOSUPPORT, 'Address family not supported by protocol family: See')) if exc.message.startswith('Address already in use'): return error(errno.EADDRINUSE, 'Address already in use') return _unmapped_exception(exc) def would_block_error(exc=None): return _add_exception_attrs( error(errno.EWOULDBLOCK, 'The socket operation could not complete without blocking')) _exception_map = { # javaexception : callable that raises the python equivalent exception, or None to stub out as unmapped IOException : lambda x: error(errno.ECONNRESET, 'Software caused connection abort'), InterruptedIOException : lambda x: timeout(errno.ETIMEDOUT, 'timed out'), IllegalStateException : lambda x: error(errno.EPIPE, 'Illegal state exception'), : lambda x: error(errno.EADDRINUSE, 'Address already in use'), : lambda x: error(errno.ECONNREFUSED, 'Connection refused'), : lambda x: error(errno.EHOSTUNREACH, 'No route to host'), : None, : None, : java_net_socketexception_handler, : lambda x: timeout(errno.ETIMEDOUT, 'timed out'), : lambda x: gaierror(errno.EGETADDRINFOFAILED, 'getaddrinfo failed'), java.nio.channels.AlreadyConnectedException : lambda x: error(errno.EISCONN, 'Socket is already connected'), java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException : None, java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException : None, java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException : None, java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException : lambda x: error(errno.ECONNRESET, 'Socket closed'), java.nio.channels.ClosedSelectorException : None, java.nio.channels.ConnectionPendingException : None, java.nio.channels.IllegalBlockingModeException : None, java.nio.channels.IllegalSelectorException : None, java.nio.channels.NoConnectionPendingException : None, java.nio.channels.NonReadableChannelException : None, java.nio.channels.NonWritableChannelException : None, java.nio.channels.NotYetBoundException : None, java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException : None, java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException : lambda x: gaierror(errno.EGETADDRINFOFAILED, 'getaddrinfo failed'), java.nio.channels.UnsupportedAddressTypeException : None, SSLPeerUnverifiedException: lambda x: SSLError(SSL_ERROR_SSL, x.message), # FIXME # CPython wraps with a message like so: # ssl.SSLError: [SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol (_ssl.c:590) # Currently this error handler produces this message: # _socket.SSLError: [Errno 1] not an SSL/TLS record: 48692c2049276d206120636c69656e7421 NotSslRecordException: lambda x: SSLError(SSL_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL, x.message), } def _map_exception(java_exception): if isinstance(java_exception, NettyChannelException): java_exception = java_exception.cause # unwrap if isinstance(java_exception, SSLException) or isinstance(java_exception, CertificateException): cause = java_exception.cause if cause: # netty is freaking backwards here. The original exception may be CertificateException # but netty wraps it in SSLHandshakeException, we need to unwrap to present the right message if isinstance(cause, SSLHandshakeException): if isinstance(cause.cause, CertificateException): java_exception = cause.cause msg = "%s (%s)" % (java_exception.message, cause) else: msg = java_exception.message py_exception = SSLError(SSL_ERROR_SSL, msg) else: # Netty 4.1.6 or higher wraps the connection exception in a # private static class that inherits from ConnectException, so # need to work around. if isinstance(java_exception, mapped_exception = _exception_map.get( # Netty AnnotatedNoRouteToHostException extends NoRouteToHostException # so also needs work around. elif isinstance(java_exception, mapped_exception = _exception_map.get( else: mapped_exception = _exception_map.get(java_exception.__class__) if mapped_exception: py_exception = mapped_exception(java_exception) else: py_exception = error(-1, 'Unmapped exception: %s' % java_exception) py_exception.java_exception = java_exception return _add_exception_attrs(py_exception) def raises_java_exception(method_or_function): """Maps java socket exceptions to the equivalent python exception. Also sets _last_error on socket objects so as to support SO_ERROR. """ @wraps(method_or_function) def handle_exception(*args, **kwargs): is_socket = len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], _realsocket) try: try: return method_or_function(*args, **kwargs) except java.lang.Exception, jlx: raise _map_exception(jlx) except error, e: if is_socket: args[0]._last_error = e[0] raise else: if is_socket: args[0]._last_error = 0 return handle_exception def _fsencode(name): """Ensure that a name that may be given as a unicode object (e.g. returned from Java) is converted to the expected bytes representation using the file-system encoding.""" if isinstance(name, unicode): return name.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return name def _fsdecode(name): """Ensure that a name that may be given as a bytes object (normal for Python) is converted to the Unicode representation (e.g for Java) using the file-system encoding.""" if isinstance(name, bytes): return unicode(name, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return name # select support ################ class _Select(object): def __init__(self, rlist, wlist, xlist): = Condition() self.rlist = frozenset(rlist) self.wlist = frozenset(wlist) self.xlist = frozenset(xlist) def _normalize_sockets(self, socks): # Get underlying socket, via fileno lookup _socks = [] for sock in socks: try: _sock = sock.fileno() _sock._register_selector # double check our API requirements _socks.append(_sock) except AttributeError: raise error(errno.EBADF, "Bad file descriptor: %s" % (sock,)) return _socks def notify(self, sock, **_): with def __str__(self): return "_Select(r={},w={},x={})".format(list(self.rlist), list(self.wlist), list(self.xlist)) @contextmanager def _register_sockets(self, socks): socks = self._normalize_sockets(socks) for sock in socks: sock._register_selector(self) yield self for sock in socks: sock._unregister_selector(self) def __call__(self, timeout): started = time.time() with, self._register_sockets(chain(self.rlist, self.wlist, self.xlist)): while True: # Checking if sockets are ready (readable OR writable) # converts selection from detecting edges to detecting levels selected_rlist = set(sock for sock in self.rlist if sock.fileno()._readable()) selected_wlist = set(sock for sock in self.wlist if sock.fileno()._writable()) # FIXME add support for exceptions selected_xlist = [] # As usual with condition variables, we need to ensure # there's not a spurious wakeup; this test also ensures # shortcircuiting if the socket was in fact ready for # reading/writing/exception before the select call if selected_rlist or selected_wlist: completed = sorted(selected_rlist), sorted(selected_wlist), sorted(selected_xlist) log.debug("Completed select %s", completed, extra={"sock": "*"}) return completed elif timeout is not None and time.time() - started >= timeout: return [], [], [] # poll support ############## _PollNotification = namedtuple( "_PollNotification", ["sock", # the real socket "fd", # could be the real socket (as returned by fileno) or a wrapping socket object "exception", "hangup"]) class poll(object): def __init__(self): self.queue = LinkedBlockingQueue() self.registered = dict() # fd -> eventmask self.socks2fd = dict_builder(MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap)() # sock -> fd def notify(self, sock, exception=None, hangup=False): notification = _PollNotification( sock=sock, fd=self.socks2fd.get(sock), exception=exception, hangup=hangup) log.debug("Notify %s", notification, extra={"sock": "*"}) self.queue.put(notification) def register(self, fd, eventmask=POLLIN|POLLPRI|POLLOUT): if not hasattr(fd, "fileno"): raise TypeError("argument must have a fileno() method") sock = fd.fileno() log.debug("Register fd=%s eventmask=%s", fd, eventmask, extra={"sock": sock}) self.registered[fd] = eventmask self.socks2fd[sock] = fd sock._register_selector(self) self.notify(sock) # Ensure we get an initial notification def modify(self, fd, eventmask): if not hasattr(fd, "fileno"): raise TypeError("argument must have a fileno() method") if fd not in self.registered: raise error(errno.ENOENT, "No such file or directory") self.registered[fd] = eventmask def unregister(self, fd): if not hasattr(fd, "fileno"): raise TypeError("argument must have a fileno() method") log.debug("Unregister socket fd=%s", fd, extra={"sock": fd.fileno()}) del self.registered[fd] sock = fd.fileno() sock._unregister_selector(self) def _event_test(self, notification): # Performs standard edge vs event polling, except that we get # edges around errors and hangup if notification is None: return None, 0 mask = self.registered.get(notification.fd, 0) # handle if concurrently removed, by simply ignoring log.debug("Testing notification=%s mask=%s", notification, mask, extra={"sock": "*"}) event = 0 if mask & POLLIN and notification.sock._readable(): event |= POLLIN if mask & POLLOUT and notification.sock._writable(): event |= POLLOUT if mask & POLLERR and notification.exception: event |= POLLERR if mask & POLLHUP and (notification.hangup or not event |= POLLHUP if mask & POLLNVAL and not notification.sock.peer_closed: event |= POLLNVAL log.debug("Tested notification=%s event=%s", notification, event, extra={"sock": "*"}) return notification.fd, event def _handle_poll(self, poller): notification = poller() if notification is None: return [] # Pull as many outstanding notifications as possible out # of the queue notifications = [notification] self.queue.drainTo(notifications) log.debug("Got notification(s) %s", notifications, extra={"sock": "MODULE"}) result = [] socks = set() # But given how we notify, it's possible to see possible # multiple notifications. Just return one (fd, event) for a # given socket for notification in notifications: if notification.sock not in socks: fd, event = self._event_test(notification) if event: result.append((fd, event)) socks.add(notification.sock) # Repump sockets to pick up a subsequent level change for sock in socks: self.notify(sock) return result def poll(self, timeout=None): if not (timeout is None or isinstance(timeout, numbers.Real)): raise TypeError("timeout must be a number or None, got %r" % (timeout,)) if timeout < 0: timeout = None log.debug("Polling timeout=%s", timeout, extra={"sock": "*"}) if timeout is None: return self._handle_poll(self.queue.take) elif timeout == 0: return self._handle_poll(self.queue.poll) else: timeout = float(timeout) / 1000. # convert from milliseconds to seconds while timeout > 0: started = time.time() timeout_in_ns = int(timeout * _TO_NANOSECONDS) result = self._handle_poll(partial(self.queue.poll, timeout_in_ns, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) if result: return result timeout -= time.time() - started log.debug("Spurious wakeup, retrying with timeout=%s", timeout, extra={"sock": "*"}) return [] # integration with Netty ######################## class PythonInboundHandler(ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter): def __init__(self, sock): self.sock = sock log.debug("Initializing inbound handler", extra={"sock": self.sock}) def channelActive(self, ctx): log.debug("Channel is active", extra={"sock": self.sock}) self.sock._notify_selectors() ctx.fireChannelActive() def channelRead(self, ctx, msg): log.debug("Channel read message %s", msg, extra={"sock": self.sock}) msg.retain() # bump ref count so it can be used in the blocking queue self.sock.incoming.put(msg) self.sock._notify_selectors() ctx.fireChannelRead(msg) def channelWritabilityChanged(self, ctx): log.debug("Channel ready for write", extra={"sock": self.sock}) self.sock._notify_selectors() ctx.fireChannelWritabilityChanged() def exceptionCaught(self, ctx, cause): log.debug("Channel caught exception %s", cause, extra={"sock": self.sock}) self.sock._notify_selectors(exception=cause) class ChildSocketHandler(ChannelInitializer): def __init__(self, parent_socket): self.parent_socket = parent_socket def initChannel(self, child_channel): child = ChildSocket(self.parent_socket) log.debug("Initializing child %s", child, extra={"sock": self.parent_socket}) child.proto = IPPROTO_TCP child._init_client_mode(child_channel) # Get most current options from the parent. This enables any # subsequent divergence. # # It's OK that this copy could occur without a mutex, given # that such iteration is guaranteed to be weakly consistent child.options = dict(((option, value) for option, value in self.parent_socket.options.iteritems())) if child.options: log.debug("Setting inherited options %s", child.options, extra={"sock": child}) config = child_channel.config() for option, value in child.options.iteritems(): _set_option(config.setOption, option, value) # Ensure that this handler will not block if the channel is # closed, otherwise this handler will simply sit idly as a # pending task in the Netty thread pool child_channel.closeFuture().addListener(child._make_active) # Parent socket is wrapping, so we know intent and we can # return as soon as handshaking is completed, if any if hasattr(self.parent_socket, "ssl_wrap_child_socket"): log.debug("Wrapping child socket for a wrapped parent=%s", self.parent_socket, extra={"sock": self}) child._wrapper_socket = self.parent_socket.ssl_wrap_child_socket(child) child._handshake_future.sync() child._post_connect() self.parent_socket.child_queue.put(child) log.debug("Notifing listeners of parent socket %s", self.parent_socket, extra={"sock": child}) self.parent_socket._notify_selectors() log.debug("Notified listeners of parent socket %s with queue %s", self.parent_socket, self.parent_socket.child_queue, extra={"sock": child}) return # Otherwise, must wait on this barrier until the child socket # is activated, as demonstrated by use or other setup # info. This is because the child may still be OPTIONALLY # wrapped with an SSL socket. Not blocking here will cause # corruption in send/recv data because it will overlap with # the handshaking in that case. with child._activation_cv: def wait_for_barrier(): with child._activation_cv: self.parent_socket.child_queue.put(child) log.debug("Notifing listeners of parent socket %s", self.parent_socket, extra={"sock": child}) self.parent_socket._notify_selectors() log.debug("Notified listeners of parent socket %s with queue %s", self.parent_socket, self.parent_socket.child_queue, extra={"sock": child}) self.parent_socket.parent_group.submit(wait_for_barrier) while not child._activated: log.debug("Waiting for optional wrapping", extra={"sock": child}) child._activation_cv.wait() log.debug("Completed waiting for optional wrapping", extra={"sock": child}) if hasattr(child, "ssl_wrap_self"): log.debug("Wrapping self", extra={"sock": child}) child.ssl_wrap_self() log.debug("Activating child socket by adding inbound handler", extra={"sock": child}) child._post_connect() child._channel_is_initialized = True # FIXME raise exceptions for ops not permitted on client socket, server socket UNKNOWN_SOCKET, CLIENT_SOCKET, SERVER_SOCKET, DATAGRAM_SOCKET = range(4) _socket_types = { UNKNOWN_SOCKET: "unknown", CLIENT_SOCKET: "client", SERVER_SOCKET: "server", DATAGRAM_SOCKET: "datagram" } def _identity(value): return value def _set_option(setter, option, value): if option in (ChannelOption.SO_LINGER, ChannelOption.SO_TIMEOUT): # FIXME consider implementing these options. Note these are not settable # via config.setOption in any event: # # * SO_TIMEOUT does not work for NIO sockets, need to use # IdleStateHandler instead # # * SO_LINGER does not work for nonblocking sockets, so need # to emulate in calling close on the socket by attempting to # send any unsent data (it's not clear this actually is # needed in Netty however...) return else: setter(option, value) # These are the only socket protocols we currently support, so it's easy to map as follows: _socket_options = { IPPROTO_TCP: { (SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE): (ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, bool), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER): (ChannelOption.SO_LINGER, _identity), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF): (ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF, int), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR): (ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, bool), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF): (ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, int), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMEOUT): (ChannelOption.SO_TIMEOUT, int), (IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY): (ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, bool), }, IPPROTO_UDP: { (SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST): (ChannelOption.SO_BROADCAST, bool), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF): (ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF, int), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR): (ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, bool), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF): (ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, int), (SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMEOUT): (ChannelOption.SO_TIMEOUT, int), } } def _socktuple(addr): port = addr.getPort() inet_addr = addr.getAddress() if isinstance(inet_addr, return str(inet_addr.getHostAddress()), port, 0, inet_addr.getScopeId() else: return str(inet_addr.getHostAddress()), port # actual socket support ####################### class _realsocket(object): def __init__(self, family=None, type=None, proto=0): # FIXME verify args are correct = family self.type = type if not proto: if type == SOCK_STREAM: proto = IPPROTO_TCP elif type == SOCK_DGRAM: proto = IPPROTO_UDP self.proto = proto self._sock = self # some Python code wants to see a socket self._last_error = 0 # supports SO_ERROR self.connected = False self.timeout = _defaulttimeout = None self.bind_addr = _EPHEMERAL_ADDRESS self.selectors = CopyOnWriteArrayList() self.options = {} # deferred options until bootstrap self.peer_closed = False self.channel_closed = False # Reference count this underlying socket self.open_lock = Lock() self.open_count = 1 if self.type == SOCK_DGRAM: self.socket_type = DATAGRAM_SOCKET self.incoming = LinkedBlockingQueue() # list of read buffers self.incoming_head = None # allows msg buffers to be broken up self.python_inbound_handler = None self._can_write = True else: self.socket_type = UNKNOWN_SOCKET def __repr__(self): return "<_realsocket at {:#x} type={} open_count={} channel={} timeout={}>".format( id(self), _socket_types[self.socket_type], self.open_count,, self.timeout) def _make_active(self): pass def _register_selector(self, selector): self._make_active() # attempting to poll/select on a socket means waiting for wrap intent is done self.selectors.addIfAbsent(selector) def _unregister_selector(self, selector): try: return self.selectors.remove(selector) except ValueError: return None except ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: return None def _notify_selectors(self, exception=None, hangup=False): for selector in self.selectors: selector.notify(self, exception=exception, hangup=hangup) @raises_java_exception def _handle_channel_future(self, future, reason): # All differences between nonblocking vs blocking with optional timeouts # is managed by this method. # # All sockets can be selected on, regardless of blocking/nonblocking state. future.addListener(self._notify_selectors) if self.timeout is None: log.debug("Syncing on future %s for %s", future, reason, extra={"sock": self}) return future.sync() elif self.timeout: self._handle_timeout(future.await, reason) if not future.isSuccess(): log.debug("Got this failure %s during %s", future.cause(), reason, extra={"sock": self}) raise future.cause() return future else: return future def setblocking(self, flag): if flag: self.settimeout(None) else: self.settimeout(0.0) def settimeout(self, timeout): self.timeout = _calctimeoutvalue(timeout) def gettimeout(self): return self.timeout def _handle_timeout(self, waiter, reason): timeout_in_ns = int(self.timeout * _TO_NANOSECONDS) log.debug("Waiting for up to %.2fs for %s", self.timeout, reason, extra={"sock": self}) started = time.time() result = waiter(timeout_in_ns, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) log.debug("Completed in %.2fs", time.time() - started, extra={"sock": self}) if not result: # above predicate handles either the case the waiter is # returning a value or in the case ChannelFuture#await, # that the timeout expired, in which case False is # returned if self.timeout == 0: raise error(errno.ETIMEDOUT, "Connection timed out") else: raise timeout(errno.ETIMEDOUT, "timed out") return result def bind(self, address): # Netty 4 supports binding a socket to multiple addresses; # apparently this is the not the case for C API sockets self.bind_addr = _get_jsockaddr(address,, self.type, self.proto, AI_PASSIVE) self._datagram_connect() # as necessary # CLIENT METHODS # Calling connect/connect_ex means this is a client socket; these # in turn use _connect, which uses Bootstrap, not ServerBootstrap def _init_client_mode(self, channel=None): # this is client socket specific self.socket_type = CLIENT_SOCKET self.incoming = LinkedBlockingQueue() # list of read buffers self.incoming_head = None # allows msg buffers to be broken up self.python_inbound_handler = None self._can_write = True self.connect_handlers = [] self.connected = False if channel: log.debug("Setting up channel %s", channel, extra={"sock": self}) = channel self.python_inbound_handler = PythonInboundHandler(self) self.connect_handlers = [self.python_inbound_handler] self.connected = True def _connect(self, addr): log.debug("Begin connection to %s", addr, extra={"sock": self}) addr = _get_jsockaddr(addr,, self.type, self.proto, 0) self._init_client_mode() self.connected = True self.python_inbound_handler = PythonInboundHandler(self) bootstrap = Bootstrap().group(NIO_GROUP).channel(NioSocketChannel) for option, value in self.options.iteritems(): _set_option(bootstrap.option, option, value) # FIXME really this is just for SSL handling, so make more # specific than a list of connect_handlers if self.connect_handlers: for handler in self.connect_handlers: bootstrap.handler(handler) else: bootstrap.handler(self.python_inbound_handler) if self.bind_addr: log.debug("Connect %s to %s", self.bind_addr, addr, extra={"sock": self}) bind_future = bootstrap.bind(self.bind_addr).sync() self._handle_channel_future(bind_future, "local bind") = else: log.debug("Connect to %s", addr, extra={"sock": self}) = self.connect_future = self._handle_channel_future(self.connect_future, "connect") def _post_connect(self): # Post-connect step is necessary to handle SSL setup, # otherwise the read adapter can race in seeing encrypted # messages from the peer if self.connect_handlers: def _peer_closed(x): log.debug("Peer closed channel %s", x, extra={"sock": self}) self.channel_closed = True self.incoming.put(_PEER_CLOSED) self._notify_selectors(hangup=True) log.debug("Add _peer_closed to channel close", extra={"sock": self}) def connect(self, addr): # Unwrapped sockets can immediately perform the post-connect step if self.socket_type == DATAGRAM_SOCKET: self._datagram_connect(addr) log.debug("Completed datagram connection to %s", addr, extra={"sock": self}) else: self._connect(addr) self._post_connect() log.debug("Completed connection to %s", addr, extra={"sock": self}) def connect_ex(self, addr): was_connecting = self.connected # actually means self.connecting if # not blocking if not self.connected: try: self.connect(addr) except error as e: return e.errno if not self.connect_future.isDone(): if was_connecting: try: # Timing is based on CPython and was empirically # guesstimated. Of course this means user code is # polling, so the the best we can do is wait like # this in supposedly nonblocking mode without # completely busy waiting! self.connect_future.get(1500, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) except ExecutionException: # generally raised if closed; pick up the state # when testing for success pass except TimeoutException: # more than 1.5ms, will report EALREADY below pass if not self.connect_future.isDone(): if was_connecting: return errno.EALREADY else: return errno.EINPROGRESS elif self.connect_future.isSuccess(): # from socketmodule.c # if (res == EISCONN) # res = 0; # but return errno.EISCONN else: return errno.ENOTCONN # SERVER METHODS # Calling listen means this is a server socket @raises_java_exception def listen(self, backlog): self.socket_type = SERVER_SOCKET self.child_queue = ArrayBlockingQueue(backlog) self.accepted_children = 1 # include the parent as well to simplify close logic b = ServerBootstrap() try: self.parent_group = NioEventLoopGroup(_NUM_THREADS, DaemonThreadFactory("Jython-Netty-Parent-%s")) self.child_group = NioEventLoopGroup(_NUM_THREADS, DaemonThreadFactory("Jython-Netty-Child-%s")) except IllegalStateException: raise error(errno.EMFILE, "Cannot allocate thread pool for server socket"), self.child_group) b.option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, backlog) for option, value in self.options.iteritems(): _set_option(b.option, option, value) # Note that child options are set in the child handler so # that they can take into account any subsequent changes, # plus have shadow support self.child_handler = ChildSocketHandler(self) b.childHandler(self.child_handler) self.bind_future = b.bind(self.bind_addr.getAddress(), self.bind_addr.getPort()) self._handle_channel_future(self.bind_future, "listen") = log.debug("Bound server socket to %s", self.bind_addr, extra={"sock": self}) def accept(self): if self.timeout is None: log.debug("Blocking indefinitely for child on queue %s", self.child_queue, extra={"sock": self}) child = self.child_queue.take() elif self.timeout: log.debug("Timed wait for child on queue %s", self.child_queue, extra={"sock": self}) child = self._handle_timeout(self.child_queue.poll, "accept") else: log.debug("Polling for child on queue %s", self.child_queue, extra={"sock": self}) child = self.child_queue.poll() if child is None: raise error(errno.EWOULDBLOCK, "Resource temporarily unavailable") peername = child.getpeername() if child else None log.debug("Got child %s connected to %s", child, peername, extra={"sock": self}) child.accepted = True with self.open_lock: self.accepted_children += 1 return child, peername # DATAGRAM METHODS def _datagram_connect(self, addr=None): # FIXME raise exception if not of the right family if addr is not None: addr = _get_jsockaddr(addr,, self.type, self.proto, 0) if not self.connected and self.socket_type == DATAGRAM_SOCKET: log.debug("Binding datagram socket to %s", self.bind_addr, extra={"sock": self}) self.connected = True self.python_inbound_handler = PythonInboundHandler(self) bootstrap = Bootstrap().group(NIO_GROUP).channel(NioDatagramChannel) bootstrap.handler(self.python_inbound_handler) for option, value in self.options.iteritems(): _set_option(bootstrap.option, option, value) future = bootstrap.register() self._handle_channel_future(future, "register") = self._handle_channel_future(, "bind") if addr is not None: # Handles the relatively rare case that this is a # CONNECTED datagram socket, which Netty does not # support in its bootstrap setup. log.debug("Connecting datagram socket to %s", addr, extra={"sock": self}) future = self._handle_channel_future(future, "connect") def sendto(self, string, arg1, arg2=None): # Unfortunate arg overloading if arg2 is not None: flags = arg1 address = arg2 else: flags = None address = arg1 address = _get_jsockaddr(address,, self.type, self.proto, 0) log.debug("Sending datagram to %s <<<{!r:.20}>>>".format(string), address, extra={"sock": self}) self._datagram_connect() packet = DatagramPacket(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(string), address) future = self._handle_channel_future(future, "sendto") return len(string) def recvfrom_into(self, buffer, nbytes=0, flags=0): if nbytes == 0: nbytes = len(buffer) data, remote_addr = self.recvfrom(nbytes, flags) buffer[0:len(data)] = data return len(data), remote_addr def recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes=0, flags=0): if nbytes == 0: nbytes = len(buffer) data = self.recv(nbytes, flags) buffer[0:len(data)] = data return len(data) # GENERAL METHODS def close(self): with self.open_lock: self.open_count -= 1 if self.open_count > 0: log.debug("Open count > 0, so not closing underlying socket", extra={"sock": self}) return if is None: return close_future = close_future.addListener(self._finish_closing) def _finish_closing(self, _): if self.socket_type == SERVER_SOCKET: log.debug("Shutting down server socket parent group", extra={"sock": self}) self.parent_group.shutdownGracefully(0, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) self.accepted_children -= 1 while True: child = self.child_queue.poll() if child is None: break log.debug("Closed child socket %s not yet accepted", child, extra={"sock": self}) child.close() else: msgs = [] self.incoming.drainTo(msgs) for msg in msgs: if msg is not _PEER_CLOSED: msg.release() log.debug("Closed socket", extra={"sock": self}) def shutdown(self, how): log.debug("Got request to shutdown socket how=%s", how, extra={"sock": self}) self._verify_channel() if how & SHUT_RD or how & SHUT_RDWR: try: except NoSuchElementException: pass # already removed, can safely ignore (presumably) except AttributeError: pass # inbound handler never set up, also ignore if how & SHUT_WR or how & SHUT_RDWR: self._can_write = False def _readable(self): if self.socket_type == CLIENT_SOCKET or self.socket_type == DATAGRAM_SOCKET: log.debug("Incoming head=%s queue=%s", self.incoming_head, self.incoming, extra={"sock": self}) return bool( (self.incoming_head is not None and self.incoming_head.readableBytes()) or self.incoming.peek()) elif self.socket_type == SERVER_SOCKET: return bool(self.child_queue.peek()) else: return False def _pending(self): # Used by for an undocumented function used in tests # and of course some user code. Note that with Netty, # readableBytes() in incoming or incoming_head are guaranteed # to be plaintext because of the way pipelines work. However # this is a terrible function to call because it's trying to # do something synchronous in the async setting of sockets. if self.socket_type == CLIENT_SOCKET or self.socket_type == DATAGRAM_SOCKET: if self.incoming_head is not None: pending = self.incoming_head.readableBytes() else: pending = 0 for msg in self.incoming: pending += msg.readableBytes() return pending return 0 def _writable(self): return self.channel_closed or ( and and can_write = _writable def _verify_channel(self): if is None: log.debug("Channel is not connected or setup", extra={"sock": self}) raise error(errno.ENOTCONN, "Socket is not connected") @raises_java_exception def send(self, data, flags=0): # FIXME this almost certainly needs to chunk things self._verify_channel() if isinstance(data, memoryview): data = data.tobytes() data = str(data) # FIXME temporary fix if data is of type buffer log.debug("Sending data <<<{!r:.20}>>>".format(data), extra={"sock": self}) if self.socket_type == DATAGRAM_SOCKET: packet = DatagramPacket(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(data), future = self._handle_channel_future(future, "send") return len(data) if not self._can_write: raise error(errno.ENOTCONN, 'Socket not connected') bytes_writable = if bytes_writable > len(data): bytes_writable = len(data) sent_data = data[:bytes_writable] future = self._handle_channel_future(future, "send") log.debug("Sent data <<<{!r:.20}>>>".format(sent_data), extra={"sock": self}) return len(sent_data) # Fix for 64k not working def sendall(self, data, flags=0): chunk_size = 8192 length = len(data) data_view = memoryview(data) idx = 0 while idx < length: bytes_sent = self.send(data_view[idx:idx + chunk_size], flags=flags) idx += bytes_sent def _get_incoming_msg(self, reason): log.debug("head=%s incoming=%s" % (self.incoming_head, self.incoming), extra={"sock": self}) if self.incoming_head is None: if self.timeout is None: if self.peer_closed: return None self.incoming_head = self.incoming.take() elif self.timeout: if self.peer_closed: return None self.incoming_head = self._handle_timeout(self.incoming.poll, reason) else: self.incoming_head = self.incoming.poll() # Could be None if self.incoming_head is None: # FIXME FIXME C socket semantics return a '' after the first EAGAIN (not certain if this gets reset or not) log.debug("No data yet for socket", extra={"sock": self}) raise error(errno.EAGAIN, "Resource temporarily unavailable") msg = self.incoming_head if msg is _PEER_CLOSED: # Only return _PEER_CLOSED once self.incoming_head = None self.peer_closed = True return msg @raises_java_exception def _get_message(self, bufsize, reason): self._datagram_connect() self._verify_channel() msg = self._get_incoming_msg(reason) if self.socket_type == DATAGRAM_SOCKET: if msg is None: return None, None elif msg is _PEER_CLOSED: return "", None else: if msg is None: return None, elif msg is _PEER_CLOSED: return "", if self.socket_type == DATAGRAM_SOCKET: content = msg.content() sender = msg.sender() else: content = msg sender = msg_length = content.readableBytes() buf = jarray.zeros(min(msg_length, bufsize), "b") content.readBytes(buf) if content.readableBytes() == 0: msg.release() # return msg ByteBuf back to Netty's pool self.incoming_head = None return buf.tostring(), sender def recv(self, bufsize, flags=0): self._verify_channel() log.debug("Waiting on recv", extra={"sock": self}) # For obvious reasons, concurrent reads on the same socket # have to be locked; I don't believe it is the job of recv to # do this; in particular this is the policy of SocketChannel, # which underlies Netty's support for such channels. data, _ = self._get_message(bufsize, "recv") log.debug("Received <<<{!r:.20}>>>".format(data), extra={"sock": self}) return data def recvfrom(self, bufsize, flags=0): self._verify_channel() data, sender = self._get_message(bufsize, "recvfrom") remote_addr = sender.getHostString(), sender.getPort() log.debug("Received from sender %s <<<{!r:20}>>>".format(data), remote_addr, extra={"sock": self}) return data, remote_addr def fileno(self): return self @raises_java_exception def setsockopt(self, level, optname, value): try: option, cast = _socket_options[self.proto][(level, optname)] except KeyError: raise error(errno.ENOPROTOOPT, "Protocol not available") cast_value = cast(value) self.options[option] = cast_value log.debug("Setting option %s to %s", optname, value, extra={"sock": self}) if _set_option(, option, cast_value) @raises_java_exception def getsockopt(self, level, optname, buflen=None): # Pseudo options for interrogating the status of this socket if level == SOL_SOCKET: if optname == SO_ACCEPTCONN: if self.socket_type == SERVER_SOCKET: return 1 elif self.type == SOCK_STREAM: return 0 else: raise error(errno.ENOPROTOOPT, "Protocol not available") if optname == SO_TYPE: return self.type if optname == SO_ERROR: last_error = self._last_error self._last_error = 0 return last_error # Normal options try: option, _ = _socket_options[self.proto][(level, optname)] except KeyError: raise error(errno.ENOPROTOOPT, "Protocol not available") log.debug("Shadow option settings %s", self.options, extra={"sock": self}) return self.options.get(option, 0) def getsockname(self): if is None: if self.bind_addr == _EPHEMERAL_ADDRESS: raise error(errno.ENOTCONN, "Socket is not connected") else: return _socktuple(self.bind_addr) if hasattr(self, "bind_future"): self.bind_future.sync() local_addr = if local_addr.getAddress().isAnyLocalAddress(): # Netty 4 will default to an IPv6 "any" address from a # channel even if it was originally bound to an IPv4 "any" # address so, as a workaround, let's construct a new "any" # address using the port information gathered above if type(self.bind_addr.getAddress()) != type(local_addr.getAddress()): return _socktuple( self.bind_addr.getAddress(), local_addr.getPort())) return _socktuple(local_addr) def getpeername(self): self._verify_channel() remote_addr = if remote_addr is None: raise error(errno.ENOTCONN, "Socket is not connected") return _socktuple(remote_addr) _socketmethods = ( 'bind', 'connect', 'connect_ex', 'fileno', 'listen', 'getpeername', 'getsockname', 'getsockopt', 'setsockopt', 'sendall', 'setblocking', 'settimeout', 'gettimeout', 'shutdown') # All the method names that must be delegated to either the real socket # object or the _closedsocket object. # For socket-reboot, this also means anything used by _Select _delegate_methods = ( "recv", "recvfrom", "recv_into", "recvfrom_into", "send", "sendto", "fileno") class _closedsocket(object): def close(self): pass # Should be able to close repeatedly def _dummy(*args): raise error(errno.EBADF, 'Bad file descriptor') # All _delegate_methods must also be initialized here. fileno = send = recv = recv_into = sendto = recvfrom = recvfrom_into = _dummy __getattr__ = _dummy # Wrapper around platform socket objects. This implements # a platform-independent dup() functionality. The # implementation currently relies on reference counting # to close the underlying socket object. class _socketobject(object): __doc__ = _realsocket.__doc__ def __init__(self, family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=None, _sock=None): if _sock is None: _sock = _realsocket(family, type, proto) self._sock = _sock for method in _delegate_methods: setattr(self, method, getattr(_sock, method)) def close(self, _closedsocket=_closedsocket, _delegate_methods=_delegate_methods, setattr=setattr): # This function should not reference any globals. See issue #808164. self._sock.close() self._sock = _closedsocket() dummy = self._sock._dummy for method in _delegate_methods: setattr(self, method, dummy) close.__doc__ = _realsocket.close.__doc__ def fileno(self): return self._sock def accept(self): sock, addr = self._sock.accept() return _socketobject(_sock=sock), addr accept.__doc__ = _realsocket.accept.__doc__ def dup(self): """dup() -> socket object Return a new socket object connected to the same system resource.""" if isinstance(self._sock, _closedsocket): return _socketobject(_sock=_closedsocket()) with self._sock.open_lock: self._sock.open_count += 1 return _socketobject(_sock=self._sock) def makefile(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1): """makefile([mode[, bufsize]]) -> file object Return a regular file object corresponding to the socket. The mode and bufsize arguments are as for the built-in open() function.""" if isinstance(self._sock, _closedsocket): return _fileobject(_closedsocket(), mode, bufsize, close=True) with self._sock.open_lock: self._sock.open_count += 1 return _fileobject(self._sock, mode, bufsize, close=True) family = property(lambda self:, doc="the socket family") type = property(lambda self: self._sock.type, doc="the socket type") proto = property(lambda self: self._sock.proto, doc="the socket protocol") def meth(name,self,*args): return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args) for _m in _socketmethods: p = partial(meth,_m) p.__name__ = _m p.__doc__ = getattr(_realsocket,_m).__doc__ m = MethodType(p,None,_socketobject) setattr(_socketobject,_m,m) socket = SocketType = _socketobject # FIXME handshake_future - gates all requests. should be cheap (comparable to the old class ChildSocket(_realsocket): def __init__(self, parent_socket): super(ChildSocket, self).__init__(type=parent_socket.type) self.parent_socket = parent_socket self._activation_cv = Condition() self._activated = False self.accepted = False self.timeout = parent_socket.timeout def _make_active(self, *ignore): # ignore result arg when used as a listener on a future if self._activated: return with self._activation_cv: self._activated = True self._activation_cv.notify() log.debug("Child socket is now activated", extra={"sock": self}) # FIXME raise exception for accept, listen, bind, connect, connect_ex # All ops that allow us to characterize the mode of operation of # this socket as being either Start TLS or SSL when # connected. These should be ops that send/receive/change # connection, not metadata. def send(self, data): self._make_active() return super(ChildSocket, self).send(data) sendall = send def recv(self, bufsize, flags=0): self._make_active() return super(ChildSocket, self).recv(bufsize, flags) def recvfrom(self, bufsize, flags=0): self._make_active() return super(ChildSocket, self).recvfrom(bufsize, flags) def setblocking(self, mode): self._make_active() return super(ChildSocket, self).setblocking(mode) def close(self): self._make_active() super(ChildSocket, self).close() if self.open_count > 0: return if self.accepted: with self.parent_socket.open_lock: self.parent_socket.accepted_children -= 1 if self.parent_socket.open_count == 0 and self.parent_socket.accepted_children == 0: log.debug("Shutting down child group for parent socket=%s accepted_children=%s", self.parent_socket, self.parent_socket.accepted_children, extra={"sock": self}) self.parent_socket.child_group.shutdownGracefully(0, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) def shutdown(self, how): self._make_active() super(ChildSocket, self).shutdown(how) def __del__(self): # Required in the case this child socket never becomes active. # This cleanup will ensure that the pending thread for the # handler is released when a GC happens, not necessarily # before shutdown of course. Naturally no extra work will be # done in setting up the channel. self._make_active() self.close() # EXPORTED constructors def select(rlist, wlist, xlist, timeout=None): for lst in (rlist, wlist, xlist): if not isinstance(lst, Iterable): raise TypeError("arguments 1-3 must be sequences") if not(timeout is None or isinstance(timeout, Number)): raise TypeError("timeout must be a float or None") if timeout is not None and timeout < 0: raise error(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid argument") return _Select(rlist, wlist, xlist)(timeout) def create_connection(address, timeout=_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, source_address=None): """Connect to *address* and return the socket object. Convenience function. Connect to *address* (a 2-tuple ``(host, port)``) and return the socket object. Passing the optional *timeout* parameter will set the timeout on the socket instance before attempting to connect. If no *timeout* is supplied, the global default timeout setting returned by :func:`getdefaulttimeout` is used. If *source_address* is set it must be a tuple of (host, port) for the socket to bind as a source address before making the connection. An host of '' or port 0 tells the OS to use the default. """ host, port = address err = None for res in getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, SOCK_STREAM): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res sock = None try: sock = socket(af, socktype, proto) if timeout is not _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: sock.settimeout(timeout) if source_address: sock.bind(source_address) sock.connect(sa) return sock except error as _: err = _ if sock is not None: sock.close() if err is not None: raise err else: raise error("getaddrinfo returns an empty list") # MISCELLANEOUS module level functions _defaulttimeout = None def _calctimeoutvalue(value): if value is None: return None try: floatvalue = float(value) except: raise TypeError('Socket timeout value must be a number or None') if floatvalue < 0.0: raise ValueError("Socket timeout value cannot be negative") return floatvalue def getdefaulttimeout(): return _defaulttimeout def setdefaulttimeout(timeout): global _defaulttimeout _defaulttimeout = _calctimeoutvalue(timeout) # Define data structures to support IPV4 and IPV6. class _ip_address_t(tuple): pass class _ipv4_address_t(_ip_address_t): jaddress = None def __new__(cls, sockaddr, port, jaddress): ntup = tuple.__new__(cls, (sockaddr, port)) ntup.jaddress = jaddress return ntup class _ipv6_address_t(_ip_address_t): jaddress = None def __new__(cls, sockaddr, port, jaddress): ntup = tuple.__new__(cls, (sockaddr, port, 0, jaddress.scopeId)) ntup.jaddress = jaddress return ntup def _get_jsockaddr(address_object, family, sock_type, proto, flags): if family is None: family = AF_UNSPEC if sock_type is None: sock_type = 0 if proto is None: proto = 0 addr = _get_jsockaddr2(address_object, family, sock_type, proto, flags) log.debug("Address %s for %s", addr, address_object, extra={"sock": "*"}) return addr def _get_jsockaddr2(address_object, family, sock_type, proto, flags): # Is this an object that was returned from getaddrinfo? If so, it already contains an InetAddress if isinstance(address_object, _ip_address_t): return, address_object[1]) # The user passed an address tuple, not an object returned from getaddrinfo # So we must call getaddrinfo, after some translations and checking if address_object is None: address_object = ("", 0) error_message = "Address must be a 2-tuple (ipv4: (host, port)) or a 4-tuple (ipv6: (host, port, flow, scope))" if not isinstance(address_object, tuple) or \ ((family == AF_INET and len(address_object) != 2) or \ (family == AF_INET6 and len(address_object) not in [2,4] )) or \ not isinstance(address_object[0], (basestring, NoneType)) or \ not isinstance(address_object[1], (int, long)): raise TypeError(error_message) if len(address_object) == 4 and not isinstance(address_object[3], (int, long)): raise TypeError(error_message) hostname = address_object[0] if hostname is not None: hostname = hostname.strip() port = address_object[1] if family == AF_INET and sock_type == SOCK_DGRAM and hostname == "": hostname = INADDR_BROADCAST if hostname in ["", None]: if flags & AI_PASSIVE: hostname = {AF_INET: INADDR_ANY, AF_INET6: IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT}[family] else: hostname = "localhost" if isinstance(hostname, unicode): hostname = encodings.idna.ToASCII(hostname) addresses = getaddrinfo(hostname, port, family, sock_type, proto, flags) if len(addresses) == 0: raise gaierror(errno.EGETADDRINFOFAILED, 'getaddrinfo failed') return[0][4].jaddress, port) def _is_ip_address(addr, version=None): try: _google_ipaddr_r234.IPAddress(addr, version) return True except ValueError: return False def is_ipv4_address(addr): return _is_ip_address(addr, 4) def is_ipv6_address(addr): return _is_ip_address(addr, 6) def is_ip_address(addr): return _is_ip_address(addr) # Workaround for this (predominantly windows) issue # _ipv4_addresses_only = False def _use_ipv4_addresses_only(value): global _ipv4_addresses_only _ipv4_addresses_only = value def _getaddrinfo_get_host(host, family, flags): if not isinstance(host, basestring) and host is not None: raise TypeError("getaddrinfo() argument 1 must be string or None") if flags & AI_NUMERICHOST: if not is_ip_address(host): raise gaierror(EAI_NONAME, "Name or service not known") if family == AF_INET and not is_ipv4_address(host): raise gaierror(EAI_ADDRFAMILY, "Address family for hostname not supported") if family == AF_INET6 and not is_ipv6_address(host): raise gaierror(EAI_ADDRFAMILY, "Address family for hostname not supported") if isinstance(host, unicode): host = encodings.idna.ToASCII(host) return host def _getaddrinfo_get_port(port, flags): if isinstance(port, basestring): try: int_port = int(port) except ValueError: if flags & AI_NUMERICSERV: raise gaierror(EAI_NONAME, "Name or service not known") # Lookup the service by name try: int_port = getservbyname(port) except error: raise gaierror(EAI_SERVICE, "Servname not supported for ai_socktype") elif port is None: int_port = 0 elif not isinstance(port, (int, long)): raise error("Int or String expected") else: int_port = int(port) return int_port % 65536 @raises_java_exception def getaddrinfo(host, port, family=AF_UNSPEC, socktype=0, proto=0, flags=0): if family is None: family = AF_UNSPEC if socktype is None: socktype = 0 if not family in [AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_UNSPEC]: raise gaierror(errno.EIO, 'ai_family not supported') host = _getaddrinfo_get_host(host, family, flags) port = _getaddrinfo_get_port(port, flags) if socktype not in [0, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM]: raise error(errno.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "Socket type is not supported") filter_fns = [] filter_fns.append({ AF_INET: lambda x: isinstance(x,, AF_INET6: lambda x: isinstance(x,, AF_UNSPEC: lambda x: isinstance(x,, }[family]) if host in [None, ""]: if flags & AI_PASSIVE: hosts = {AF_INET: [INADDR_ANY], AF_INET6: [IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT], AF_UNSPEC: [INADDR_ANY, IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT]}[family] else: hosts = ["localhost"] else: hosts = [host] results = [] for h in hosts: try: all_by_name = except raise gaierror(errno.ENOEXEC, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known') for a in all_by_name: if len([f for f in filter_fns if f(a)]): family = { AF_INET, AF_INET6}[a.getClass()] if flags & AI_CANONNAME: canonname = str(a.getCanonicalHostName()) else: canonname = "" sockaddr = str(a.getHostAddress()) # TODO: Include flowinfo and scopeid in a 4-tuple for IPv6 addresses sock_tuple = {AF_INET : _ipv4_address_t, AF_INET6 : _ipv6_address_t}[family](sockaddr, port, a) if socktype == 0: socktypes = [SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM] else: socktypes = [socktype] for result_socktype in socktypes: result_proto = {SOCK_DGRAM: IPPROTO_UDP, SOCK_STREAM: IPPROTO_TCP}[result_socktype] if proto in [0, result_proto]: # The returned socket will only support the result_proto # If this does not match the requested proto, don't return it results.append((family, result_socktype, result_proto, canonname, sock_tuple)) return results def htons(x): return x def htonl(x): return x def ntohs(x): return x def ntohl(x): return x @raises_java_exception def inet_pton(family, ip_string): if family == AF_INET: if not is_ipv4_address(ip_string): raise error("illegal IP address string passed to inet_pton") elif family == AF_INET6: if not is_ipv6_address(ip_string): raise error("illegal IP address string passed to inet_pton") else: raise error(errno.EAFNOSUPPORT, "Address family not supported by protocol") ia = bytes = [] for byte in ia.getAddress(): if byte < 0: bytes.append(byte+256) else: bytes.append(byte) return "".join([chr(byte) for byte in bytes]) @raises_java_exception def inet_ntop(family, packed_ip): jByteArray = array.array("b", packed_ip) if family == AF_INET: if len(jByteArray) != 4: raise ValueError("invalid length of packed IP address string") elif family == AF_INET6: if len(jByteArray) != 16: raise ValueError("invalid length of packed IP address string") else: raise ValueError("unknown address family %s" % family) ia = return ia.getHostAddress() def inet_aton(ip_string): return inet_pton(AF_INET, ip_string) def inet_ntoa(packed_ip): return inet_ntop(AF_INET, packed_ip) # Various toplevel functions for the socket module ################################################## def _gethostbyaddr(name): # This is as close as I can get; at least the types are correct... addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(gethostbyname(name)) names = [] addrs = [] for addr in addresses: names.append(str(addr.getHostName())) addrs.append(str(addr.getHostAddress())) return names, addrs @raises_java_exception def getfqdn(name=None): """ Return a fully qualified domain name for name. If name is omitted or empty it is interpreted as the local host. To find the fully qualified name, the hostname returned by gethostbyaddr() is checked, then aliases for the host, if available. The first name which includes a period is selected. In case no fully qualified domain name is available, the hostname is retur New in version 2.0. """ if not name: name = gethostname() names, addrs = _gethostbyaddr(name) for a in names: if a.find(".") >= 0: return a return name @raises_java_exception def gethostname(): """Return FS-encoded local host name.""" return _fsencode(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()) @raises_java_exception def gethostbyname(name): """Return IP address as string from FS-decoded host name.""" return str(InetAddress.getByName(_fsdecode(name)).getHostAddress()) # # Skeleton implementation of gethostbyname_ex # Needed because urllib2 refers to it # @raises_java_exception def gethostbyname_ex(name): return name, [], gethostbyname(name) @raises_java_exception def gethostbyaddr(name): names, addrs = _gethostbyaddr(name) return names[0], names, addrs try: from jnr.netdb import Service, Protocol def getservbyname(service_name, protocol_name=None): service = Service.getServiceByName(service_name, protocol_name) if service is None: raise error('service/proto not found') return service.getPort() def getservbyport(port, protocol_name=None): service = Service.getServiceByPort(port, protocol_name) if service is None: raise error('port/proto not found') return service.getName() def getprotobyname(protocol_name=None): proto = Protocol.getProtocolByName(protocol_name) if proto is None: raise error('protocol not found') return proto.getProto() except ImportError: def getservbyname(service_name, protocol_name=None): return None def getservbyport(port, protocol_name=None): return None def getprotobyname(protocol_name=None): return None def _getnameinfo_get_host(address, flags): if not isinstance(address, basestring): raise TypeError("getnameinfo() address 1 must be string, not None") if isinstance(address, unicode): address = encodings.idna.ToASCII(address) jia = InetAddress.getByName(address) result = jia.getCanonicalHostName() if flags & NI_NAMEREQD: if is_ip_address(result): raise gaierror(EAI_NONAME, "Name or service not known") elif flags & NI_NUMERICHOST: result = jia.getHostAddress() # Ignoring NI_NOFQDN for now if flags & NI_IDN: result = encodings.idna.ToASCII(result) return result def _getnameinfo_get_port(port, flags): if not isinstance(port, (int, long)): raise TypeError("getnameinfo() port number must be an integer") if flags & NI_NUMERICSERV: return port proto = None if flags & NI_DGRAM: proto = "udp" return getservbyport(port, proto) @raises_java_exception def getnameinfo(sock_addr, flags): if not isinstance(sock_addr, tuple) or len(sock_addr) < 2: raise TypeError("getnameinfo() argument 1 must be a tuple") host = _getnameinfo_get_host(sock_addr[0], flags) port = _getnameinfo_get_port(sock_addr[1], flags) return (host, port) class _fileobject(object): """Faux file object attached to a socket object.""" default_bufsize = 8192 name = "" __slots__ = ["mode", "bufsize", "softspace", # "closed" is a property, see below "_sock", "_rbufsize", "_wbufsize", "_rbuf", "_wbuf", "_wbuf_len", "_close"] def __init__(self, sock, mode='rb', bufsize=-1, close=False): self._sock = sock self.mode = mode # Not actually used in this version if bufsize < 0: bufsize = self.default_bufsize self.bufsize = bufsize self.softspace = False # _rbufsize is the suggested recv buffer size. It is *strictly* # obeyed within readline() for recv calls. If it is larger than # default_bufsize it will be used for recv calls within read(). if bufsize == 0: self._rbufsize = 1 elif bufsize == 1: self._rbufsize = self.default_bufsize else: self._rbufsize = bufsize self._wbufsize = bufsize # We use StringIO for the read buffer to avoid holding a list # of variously sized string objects which have been known to # fragment the heap due to how they are malloc()ed and often # realloc()ed down much smaller than their original allocation. self._rbuf = StringIO() self._wbuf = [] # A list of strings self._wbuf_len = 0 self._close = close def _getclosed(self): return self._sock is None closed = property(_getclosed, doc="True if the file is closed") def close(self): try: if self._sock: self.flush() finally: if self._close: self._sock.close() self._sock = None def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: # close() may fail if __init__ didn't complete pass def flush(self): if self._wbuf: data = "".join(self._wbuf) self._wbuf = [] self._wbuf_len = 0 buffer_size = max(self._rbufsize, self.default_bufsize) data_size = len(data) write_offset = 0 # FIXME apparently this doesn't yet work on jython, # despite our work on memoryview/buffer support view = data # memoryview(data) try: while write_offset < data_size: chunk = view[write_offset:write_offset+buffer_size] self._sock.sendall(chunk) write_offset += buffer_size finally: if write_offset < data_size: remainder = data[write_offset:] del view, data # explicit free self._wbuf.append(remainder) self._wbuf_len = len(remainder) def fileno(self): return self._sock.fileno() def write(self, data): data = str(data) # XXX Should really reject non-byte non-buffers if not data: return self._wbuf.append(data) self._wbuf_len += len(data) if (self._wbufsize == 0 or (self._wbufsize == 1 and '\n' in data) or (self._wbufsize > 1 and self._wbuf_len >= self._wbufsize)): self.flush() def writelines(self, list): # XXX We could do better here for very long lists # XXX Should really reject non-string non-buffers lines = filter(None, map(str, list)) self._wbuf_len += sum(map(len, lines)) self._wbuf.extend(lines) if (self._wbufsize <= 1 or self._wbuf_len >= self._wbufsize): self.flush() def read(self, size=-1): # Use max, disallow tiny reads in a loop as they are very inefficient. # We never leave read() with any leftover data from a new recv() call # in our internal buffer. rbufsize = max(self._rbufsize, self.default_bufsize) # Our use of StringIO rather than lists of string objects returned by # recv() minimizes memory usage and fragmentation that occurs when # rbufsize is large compared to the typical return value of recv(). buf = self._rbuf, 2) # seek end if size < 0: # Read until EOF self._rbuf = StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. while True: try: data = self._sock.recv(rbufsize) except error, e: if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR: continue raise if not data: break buf.write(data) return buf.getvalue() else: # Read until size bytes or EOF seen, whichever comes first buf_len = buf.tell() if buf_len >= size: # Already have size bytes in our buffer? Extract and return. rv = self._rbuf = StringIO() self._rbuf.write( return rv self._rbuf = StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. while True: left = size - buf_len # recv() will malloc the amount of memory given as its # parameter even though it often returns much less data # than that. The returned data string is short lived # as we copy it into a StringIO and free it. This avoids # fragmentation issues on many platforms. try: data = self._sock.recv(left) except error, e: if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR: continue raise if not data: break n = len(data) if n == size and not buf_len: # Shortcut. Avoid buffer data copies when: # - We have no data in our buffer. # AND # - Our call to recv returned exactly the # number of bytes we were asked to read. return data if n == left: buf.write(data) del data # explicit free break assert n <= left, "recv(%d) returned %d bytes" % (left, n) buf.write(data) buf_len += n del data # explicit free #assert buf_len == buf.tell() return buf.getvalue() def readline(self, size=-1): buf = self._rbuf, 2) # seek end if buf.tell() > 0: # check if we already have it in our buffer bline = buf.readline(size) if bline.endswith('\n') or len(bline) == size: self._rbuf = StringIO() self._rbuf.write( return bline del bline if size < 0: # Read until \n or EOF, whichever comes first if self._rbufsize <= 1: # Speed up unbuffered case buffers = [] self._rbuf = StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. data = None recv = self._sock.recv while True: try: while data != "\n": data = recv(1) if not data: break buffers.append(data) except error, e: # The try..except to catch EINTR was moved outside the # recv loop to avoid the per byte overhead. if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR: continue raise break return "".join(buffers), 2) # seek end self._rbuf = StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. while True: try: data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize) except error, e: if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR: continue raise if not data: break nl = data.find('\n') if nl >= 0: nl += 1 buf.write(data[:nl]) self._rbuf.write(data[nl:]) del data break buf.write(data) return buf.getvalue() else: # Read until size bytes or \n or EOF seen, whichever comes first, 2) # seek end buf_len = buf.tell() if buf_len >= size: rv = self._rbuf = StringIO() self._rbuf.write( return rv self._rbuf = StringIO() # reset _rbuf. we consume it via buf. while True: try: data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize) except error, e: if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR: continue raise if not data: break left = size - buf_len # did we just receive a newline? nl = data.find('\n', 0, left) if nl >= 0: nl += 1 # save the excess data to _rbuf self._rbuf.write(data[nl:]) if buf_len: buf.write(data[:nl]) break else: # Shortcut. Avoid data copy through buf when returning # a substring of our first recv(). return data[:nl] n = len(data) if n == size and not buf_len: # Shortcut. Avoid data copy through buf when # returning exactly all of our first recv(). return data if n >= left: buf.write(data[:left]) self._rbuf.write(data[left:]) break buf.write(data) buf_len += n #assert buf_len == buf.tell() return buf.getvalue() def readlines(self, sizehint=0): total = 0 list = [] while True: line = self.readline() if not line: break list.append(line) total += len(line) if sizehint and total >= sizehint: break return list # Iterator protocols def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): line = self.readline() if not line: raise StopIteration return line