
Author psykiatris
Recipients psykiatris
Date 2017-12-04.16:30:32
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I tried doing a workaround for this issue, because I wanted to be able to display all the names of the months to build a calendar grid. I noticed that in ASCII, getDisplayNames() returned a dictionary with the months as keys:
{June: 5, October: 9, December: 11, May: 4, September: 8, March: 2, July: 6, January: 0, February: 1, April: 3, August: 7, November: 10}

Therefore, the following attempt:

>>> months = {}
>>> months.update(gc.getDisplayNames(2,2,loc))
>>> months
{u'\u13a0\u13c5\u13f1': 2, u'\u13ab\u13f0\u13c9\u13c2': 6, u'\u13a0\u13c2\u13cd\u13ac\u13d8': 4, u'\u13d5\u13ad\u13b7\u13f1': 5, u'\u13a4\u13c3\u13b8\u13d4\u13c5': 0, u'\u13da\u13c2\u13c5\u13d7': 9, u'\u13a5\u13cd\u13a9\u13f1': 11, u'\u13a7\u13ec\u13c2': 3, u'\u13c5\u13d3\u13d5\u13c6': 10, u'\u13da\u13b5\u13cd\u13d7': 8, u'\u13a7\u13a6\u13b5': 1, u'\u13a6\u13b6\u13c2': 7}
>>> print months
{u'\u13a0\u13c5\u13f1': 2, u'\u13ab\u13f0\u13c9\u13c2': 6, u'\u13a0\u13c2\u13cd\u13ac\u13d8': 4, u'\u13d5\u13ad\u13b7\u13f1': 5, u'\u13a4\u13c3\u13b8\u13d4\u13c5': 0, u'\u13da\u13c2\u13c5\u13d7': 9, u'\u13a5\u13cd\u13a9\u13f1': 11, u'\u13a7\u13ec\u13c2': 3, u'\u13c5\u13d3\u13d5\u13c6': 10, u'\u13da\u13b5\u13cd\u13d7': 8, u'\u13a7\u13a6\u13b5': 1, u'\u13a6\u13b6\u13c2': 7}
>>> print unicode(months)
{u'\u13a0\u13c5\u13f1': 2, u'\u13ab\u13f0\u13c9\u13c2': 6, u'\u13a0\u13c2\u13cd\u13ac\u13d8': 4, u'\u13d5\u13ad\u13b7\u13f1': 5, u'\u13a4\u13c3\u13b8\u13d4\u13c5': 0, u'\u13da\u13c2\u13c5\u13d7': 9, u'\u13a5\u13cd\u13a9\u13f1': 11, u'\u13a7\u13ec\u13c2': 3, u'\u13c5\u13d3\u13d5\u13c6': 10, u'\u13da\u13b5\u13cd\u13d7': 8, u'\u13a7\u13a6\u13b5': 1, u'\u13a6\u13b6\u13c2': 7}

Using getDisplayName() returns the proper unicode and graphic, but as you can see above, it won't do it for the multiple momnths. I guess I need to do a loop to print the month name one at a time.

>>> gc.getDisplayName(2,2,loc)
>>> print gc.getDisplayName(2,2,loc)
Date User Action Args
2017-12-04 16:30:32psykiatrissetmessageid: <>
2017-12-04 16:30:32psykiatrissetrecipients: + psykiatris
2017-12-04 16:30:32psykiatrislinkissue2649 messages
2017-12-04 16:30:32psykiatriscreate