
Author pekka.klarck
Date 2007-02-20.11:29:11
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I agree dividing javapath into separate modules would be The Right Thing but in the end that's pretty much an implementation detail and doesn't really matter for os.path users assuming that everything works.

Because dividing javapath would require some extra work I'm not personally planning to do it (at least at the moment) as I'm more interested in getting actual bugs in javapath fixed. I'm also planning to write comprehensive unit tests so that further optimization is possible afterwards.

This of course doesn't prevent others from making bigger refactoring for javapath even now. If you think dividing is something that must be done the best way to actually get it done is creating a patch. Setting up Jython development environment is pretty simple using guide at [1] -- I just set it up last weekend myself.


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2008-02-20 17:17:40adminlinkissue1648449 messages
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