
Author rluse
Date 2007-06-28.02:58:57
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I have a case where code that works fine in 2.2B2 has problems in 2.2RC1.  I've included 3 modules and you should be able to recreate it fairly easily.  Just run the Server, and then run the Client GUI.  They are setup to run on the same machine, you will have to make sure the ports match up.  When I run this code on 2.2b2, I can hit the send button and data gets sent to the server and a response comes back.  When I run it on 2.2 RC2, the GUI hangs and the message doesn't appear to be sent.  I suspect this has to do with the thread that I am using in the Client (which ironically I did a lot of work to put in because Jython didn't have Select!)   

Let me know if you have any questions.

Date User Action Args
2008-02-20 17:17:51adminlinkissue1744567 messages
2008-02-20 17:17:51admincreate