
Author rluse
Date 2007-06-28.22:41:21
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
OK - I have retrofitted the change to use the sockets directly on my entire app and everything seems to be fine.  If you noticed, the server module that I sent subclasses StreamRequestHandler from SocketServer which uses makefile.  I had to switch this to use BaseRequestHandler so that I could use the sockets directly on the server as well.  The problem on the server side only manifested itself after a few sends.  I am assuming that this is because the StreamRequestHandler code is better than mine, but I really dont know why it doesn't happen right away like it does on my client.  You may want to look at that as well.

Thanks for the quick help and I appreciate that you realized the usefulness of my example .  It took me considerable amount of time to isolate it to that level.  I realize that you are implementing a major change and also how difficult it can be to find problems like this sometimes.  

As for my GUI, the getContentPane requirement was removed from Java I think when 1.5 was introduced.  So, the message that you got would make sense if you are using 1.4.x.  It is easy to change.  For future reference I think if you would change 

         self.layout = awt.FlowLayout()   to
         self.getContentPane().layout = awt.FlowLayout()

that it would work fine.
Date User Action Args
2008-02-20 17:17:51adminlinkissue1744567 messages
2008-02-20 17:17:51admincreate