
Author coder111
Date 2004-08-15.09:39:54
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Marked as misclassified
Hi, i tried calling some java methods from jython
passing python dictionary and list as parameters. These
two are implemented by PyDictionary and PyList classes
which get passed to java ok. But then I looked at
jython source and was disappointed to see that python
lists don't implement java.util.List interface and
python dictionaries don't implement java.util.Map and
so on, and this makes them useless in java. I could
call their original methods from java, but then I'd
have to tie my java application to internal jython classes.

Would it be possible to make PyDictionary implement
java.util.Map and other python collections to implement
appropriate java.util.* interfaces, so that they could
be passed as parameters to java methods and used there?
Date User Action Args
2008-02-20 17:18:59adminlinkissue1009477 messages
2008-02-20 17:18:59admincreate