
Author amak
Recipients amak, billiejoex, mlevalle
Date 2009-02-04.15:53:04
SpamBayes Score 5.44451e-09
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Indeed, the existing asyncore was completely broken, and could not
correctly run this very straightforward usage example; thanks for taking
the time to submit it.

I have checked in a new version of asyncore, ported from cpython 2.5 to
jython 2.5, at r6012 and r6013.

Although this may not have eliminated all of the outstanding asyncore
bugs, the jython 2.5 asyncore now runs this example identically to cpython.

Until there is a new release of jython 2.5, you can get the latest
asyncore from SVN.
Date User Action Args
2009-02-04 15:53:05amaksetmessageid: <>
2009-02-04 15:53:05amaksetrecipients: + amak, billiejoex, mlevalle
2009-02-04 15:53:05amaklinkissue1237 messages
2009-02-04 15:53:04amakcreate