
Author glyph
Recipients billiejoex, fwierzbicki, glyph, thijs, zyasoft
Date 2009-03-27.19:48:18
SpamBayes Score 0.03157454
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I would be _really_ thrilled if Jython 2.5 could at least bootstrap the
Twisted mainloop.  Once we've got our test suite starting up and
running, even if we have lots of failures, we can start fixing issues in
Twisted itself and ease the amount of work that Jython has to do :).

I'm available during the PyCon sprints, and will be hanging around in
openspace rooms for much of the conference, if someone wants to track me
down for some pair programming.
Date User Action Args
2009-03-27 19:48:19glyphsetmessageid: <>
2009-03-27 19:48:19glyphsetrecipients: + glyph, fwierzbicki, billiejoex, zyasoft, thijs
2009-03-27 19:48:19glyphlinkissue1246 messages
2009-03-27 19:48:18glyphcreate