
Author pjenvey
Recipients Lawouach, pjenvey
Date 2009-07-31.08:02:44
SpamBayes Score 0.0
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Hi Lawouach, we don't fully support the compiler module and never will. 
Though I'm curious, what library are you using that needs it? What's it 
calling the compiler module?

From my explanation in issue #1161, about the compiler module:

Jython doesn't fully support it and never will, because a) it generates 
.pyc bytecode that we don't use b) it heavily relies on the parser 
module which we will never support either c) is pending deprecation and 
was removed in Python 3

The parser module provides the low level innards of CPython's parser 
(which is really nothing like ours), and the way to deal with AST going 
forward is via the _ast module, which we support and was originally 
added in CPython 2.5. We also support the ast (no underscore) module, as 
well as the ability to pass modified/generated AST to the compile 
function, which were both added in CPython 2.6

So migrating away from the compiler module will benefit libraries on 
Jython 2.5 as well as Python 3 going forward
Date User Action Args
2009-07-31 08:02:45pjenveysetmessageid: <>
2009-07-31 08:02:45pjenveysetrecipients: + pjenvey, Lawouach
2009-07-31 08:02:45pjenveylinkissue1417 messages
2009-07-31 08:02:44pjenveycreate