
Author pjenvey
Recipients cgroves, fwierzbicki, pjenvey, zyasoft
Date 2009-08-12.07:07:21
SpamBayes Score 0.03728499
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Actually it seems like we could do callable error handlers via nio's 
report error action. That would make the encoder/decoder return a 
CoderResult upon failure but without resetting its state

So we should be able to create a UnicodeError with its start/end/reason 
info from that CoderResult and the input Buffer (to pass to our error 
handler). Then we act upon the handler's result, restarting the 
encoder/decoder from where it left off if necessary
Date User Action Args
2009-08-12 07:07:21pjenveysetmessageid: <>
2009-08-12 07:07:21pjenveysetrecipients: + pjenvey, cgroves, fwierzbicki, zyasoft
2009-08-12 07:07:21pjenveylinkissue1066 messages
2009-08-12 07:07:21pjenveycreate