
Author thobes
Recipients asnama, fwierzbicki, thobes
Date 2009-09-17.07:34:04
SpamBayes Score 1.194516e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The issue that you are experiencing is not related to the subscript
assignment to self. The exception occurs before that. Your first
identification of where the problem occurs is correct, but it's not an
error in Jython but in gdata.calendar.service, the developers at Google
ought to know better than to use identity equals for string comparison,
but I guess we all make mistakes...
The sortorder property has the same issue.
Please report the issue to the gdata API instead:
Date User Action Args
2009-09-17 07:34:05thobessetmessageid: <>
2009-09-17 07:34:05thobessetrecipients: + thobes, fwierzbicki, asnama
2009-09-17 07:34:05thobeslinkissue1471 messages
2009-09-17 07:34:04thobescreate