
Author MrMeanie
Recipients MrMeanie
Date 2009-11-13.09:52:01
SpamBayes Score 2.638616e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Currently, any keyword arguments passed to a constructor of a Java class
are used to set bean properties of the specified names, which obviously
adds convenience.

Java methods can receive and process keyword arguments by having the
form MyClass#myMethod(PyObject values[], String names[]); Jython assumes
that the Java method wishes to receive keyword arguments, and passes
them through.

It would be beneficial for constructors to be able to handle keyword
arguments that same way that methods do. Unfortunately, this is not
currently the case, since any keyword arguments are assumed to be bean
property values.
Date User Action Args
2009-11-13 09:52:03MrMeaniesetrecipients: + MrMeanie
2009-11-13 09:52:02MrMeaniesetmessageid: <>
2009-11-13 09:52:02MrMeanielinkissue1503 messages
2009-11-13 09:52:02MrMeaniecreate