
Author akruis
Recipients akruis, rafanunes
Date 2010-07-22.08:06:18
SpamBayes Score 3.790236e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The exception is indeed caused, by imp.load not finding The problem is, that sys.path is not yet properly initialized, when imp.load("") is invoked. This happens, if jython is embedded within the WAR archive. In this case, the method ModjyJServlet#processPythonLib sets up sys.path to the location of the jython files within the extracted WAR archive. Currently this method is called immediately after importing "". The fix simply calls processPythonLib before checkSitePackages.

I'm not sure, if we need an unit test for this bug and how to set up such a test.
Date User Action Args
2010-07-22 08:06:21akruissetmessageid: <>
2010-07-22 08:06:21akruissetrecipients: + akruis, rafanunes
2010-07-22 08:06:20akruislinkissue1629 messages
2010-07-22 08:06:20akruiscreate