
Author zyasoft
Recipients kmuehlbr, zyasoft
Date 2014-10-06.16:42:56
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In general, PySystemState#initStaticFields is problematic code.

Also, it's not clear to me that most of these fields needs to be mutable vs final. Example: even if the Python semantics do allow True to be set to some other value, it's not really Py.True that's changing, it's instead changes in the entries in __builtin__.__dict__ (see __builtin__#fillWithBuiltins)

This is just the sort of refactoring we would like to do before the final beta, which should be beta 4
Date User Action Args
2014-10-06 16:42:57zyasoftsetmessageid: <>
2014-10-06 16:42:57zyasoftsetrecipients: + zyasoft, kmuehlbr
2014-10-06 16:42:57zyasoftlinkissue2163 messages
2014-10-06 16:42:56zyasoftcreate