
Recipients DHELIO, alex.gronholm, amak, valtron
Date 2014-11-21.14:51:08
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Alan!!! it works!!!!! :)

Sorry for the last reply, but I hadn't had a minute till now to play with it.  Your question make me think in detail what I could be doing wrong, re-did the whole thing from scratch, taking special care in all the steps - probably this is to obvious for all of you, but just in case someone gets here with the same problem.

1.- build jython.jar with: ant jar-complete
2.- build the installer: ant -f maven/build.xml
3.- copy the installer to the server machine and install it; it took me a while to realize the bundle was not the installer, and I had to unzip it first (otherwise I was getting "no main manifest attribute, in jython-installer-2.7.0-SNAPSHOT-bundle.jar")
4.- copy the demo modjy_webapp to the webapps directory in tomcat.
5.- follow the instructions in the modjy_webapp/readme.txt
   - copy from the installation: ~/jython/jythor.jar to webapps/modjy_webapp/WEB-INF/lib
   - copy also the python libraries: ~/jython/Lib/* to webapps/modjy_webapp/WEB-INF/lib-python  # I think this is not strictly needed
6.- change in modjy_webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml the following variable:
   - python.home -> /home/username/jython # Do not put ~/jython as this won't work!!!

And then it should work.

Allan, thank you again, and I'm really sorry that all this time it was my mistake.
Date User Action Args
2014-11-21 14:51:10DHELIOsetmessageid: <>
2014-11-21 14:51:10DHELIOsetrecipients: + DHELIO, amak, alex.gronholm, valtron
2014-11-21 14:51:09DHELIOlinkissue2225 messages
2014-11-21 14:51:08DHELIOcreate