
Author zyasoft
Recipients Each, zyasoft
Date 2015-03-29.07:09:06
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I looked into this some more, and it looks more resolvable than I feared. So after decoding args to Unicode (because we need to), we get the following sys.argv on OS X 10.10, with a little instrumentation:

$ dist/bin/yolk --print
[u'/Users/jbaker/jythondev/jython27/dist/bin/jython', u'dist/bin/yolk', u'--print']

Should be the same on Windows. So this means it's not a question of sys.argv[0] - that would be hard to get right - but instead doing a standard delegation of option args to sys.argv[1]

So we should be able to fix for RC2
Date User Action Args
2015-03-29 07:09:06zyasoftsetmessageid: <>
2015-03-29 07:09:06zyasoftsetrecipients: + zyasoft, Each
2015-03-29 07:09:06zyasoftlinkissue2300 messages
2015-03-29 07:09:06zyasoftcreate