
Title: ImportTests JUnit test fails
Type: behaviour Severity: normal
Components: Core Versions: Jython 2.7
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: jeff.allen Nosy List: fwierzbicki, jeff.allen
Priority: Keywords: test failure causes

Created on 2015-04-14.06:07:54 by jeff.allen, last changed 2015-04-19.23:04:21 by jeff.allen.

msg9831 (view) Author: Jeff Allen (jeff.allen) Date: 2015-04-14.06:07:54
This seems an obvious thing to investigate, before attempting any of the other issues involving import, both as hygiene and as familiarisation.

This is an apparently simple test which has actually been failing for a while ignored (Windows and Linux). Now, winding back to when it first entered the 2.7 branch, it still fails (Windows).

Possible theory: it passed on Java 6, but not Java 7. However, the package it is seeking is not on the search path as I understand it, so I wonder if it might require something in the author's the environment (PYTHONPATH etc.), but not in mine. The fix then is to fix the test.
msg9875 (view) Author: Jeff Allen (jeff.allen) Date: 2015-04-16.22:23:38
The ImportTests JUnit test needs the ~/tests/python to be on the Java class path. This is what the importest special Ant target arranges. When run as part of the javatests target, the class path is wrong, and testpkg is not found. ImportTests ought to be excluded from the "plain path" javatests target.

Since it seems good to run the import tests as part of the javatest target, I'll insert:
<target name="javatest" depends="javatest-basepath,importest" ...
msg9903 (view) Author: Jeff Allen (jeff.allen) Date: 2015-04-19.23:04:21
Fixed at
Date User Action Args
2015-04-19 23:04:21jeff.allensetstatus: open -> closed
resolution: fixed
messages: + msg9903
2015-04-16 22:23:38jeff.allensetmessages: + msg9875
2015-04-14 06:07:54jeff.allencreate