
Author stefan.richthofer
Recipients stefan.richthofer, zyasoft
Date 2015-09-02.14:07:50
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Were you aware that getJarFileName() produces a malformed format under windows?

1) It prepends a "/" before the drive-letter
2) It does not use system specific seperator-char

I am going to fix this and hope that there is no code depending on this bug. Also note that using the python-launcher sys.executable is set to "blah\\", which is fine. But I suspect it would do the same if launched with jython.exe. Scanning the source of I see nothing to care for this (but maybe I overlooked it).

Unfortunately I could not test this directly using jython.exe, because jython.exe crashes on my system (win 7 64 bit). But that's a separat issue (coming soon).
Date User Action Args
2015-09-02 14:07:51stefan.richthofersetmessageid: <>
2015-09-02 14:07:51stefan.richthofersetrecipients: + stefan.richthofer, zyasoft
2015-09-02 14:07:51stefan.richthoferlinkissue2386 messages
2015-09-02 14:07:50stefan.richthofercreate