
Author stefan.richthofer
Recipients jamesmudd, stefan.richthofer
Date 2017-05-04.22:56:07
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
James, I'm going to accept your PR. Confirmed it works well and find the solution okay for now.

>With this fixed I now have no test failures on linux.

I still see test_dumbdbm, test_mailbox and test_shutil fail.
Sure you don't observe any of these?
I wasn't aware these tests are uncommon failures; maybe I'll better open issues and share details...
Date User Action Args
2017-05-04 22:56:07stefan.richthofersetmessageid: <>
2017-05-04 22:56:07stefan.richthofersetrecipients: + stefan.richthofer, jamesmudd
2017-05-04 22:56:07stefan.richthoferlinkissue2585 messages
2017-05-04 22:56:07stefan.richthofercreate