
Author jeff.allen
Recipients Arfrever, akira, amak, fwierzbicki, jamesmudd, jeff.allen, pekka.klarck, zyasoft
Date 2017-05-23.08:18:36
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Ok, simple enough. I've fixed that and will push a change soon. The pip installation happens smoothly now.

Building and installing is a good test generally. Doing so for my Chinese user name, I find the installation of pip still crashes. Regression tests are ok, except for test_ssl which shows one failure I don't understand and isn't reproduced in the "ascii environment". (More relevant to #2356 than here.)
Date User Action Args
2017-05-23 08:18:37jeff.allensetmessageid: <>
2017-05-23 08:18:37jeff.allensetrecipients: + jeff.allen, fwierzbicki, amak, pekka.klarck, zyasoft, Arfrever, akira, jamesmudd
2017-05-23 08:18:37jeff.allenlinkissue1839 messages
2017-05-23 08:18:37jeff.allencreate