
Author zyasoft
Recipients darjus, jamesmudd, jeff.allen, stefan.richthofer, zyasoft
Date 2017-08-05.19:34:56
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
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I agree with Jeff's analysis. Clearly the necessary cycle of waiting
to get a deadlock was caused by what #2536 identified, finally blocks
for releasing internal locks not being called due to out of memory
errors. (This scenario violated the contract that we assumed through
the usage of ConcurrentHashMap.) Other than that issue, we have had no
reports of other deadlocks in this specific code; and I also do not
see any deadlock path in the use of class_to_type. We should also
synchronize fromClassSkippingInners.

This change restores correctness.

Next, let's look at our caching, and its corresponding
performance. Using weak keys/weak values in class_to_type means that
when working with Java objects (calling methods, accessing
attributes), Python code that does not maintain a strong reference to
the Java class will cause the Jython runtime to constantly rebuild
these entries in class_to_type. Here are the ways that such strong
references would be established:

1. exposedTypes (so Jython's internals)

2. imports of Java classes into a Python namespace

3. references to `type(java_obj)`

4. subclassing of a Java class by a Python class

References to Java *objects*, including objects from factory methods;
indirect construction, such as `java.util.HashMap()`; and callbacks
(Netty, re/json/strptime) would not introduce such references to
Python types for Java *classes*. But calling methods, using
attributes, or otherwise using getting the Python type on the Java
object, would require this entry in class_to_type to be added,
potentially to be potentially quickly discarded by generational
GC. Computing these entries is relatively expensive, especially if a
given class C has inner classes (and this is a general type graph

See also the analysis in
(scenario 3); our mapping in class_to_type is a common pattern seen in
Java systems.

What if instead of current one-level cache, we had a two-level cache?
Level 1 uses weak key/weak value for the class/type entries (C, T);
(C, T) entries that are expired from Level 1 are moved to Level 2;
Level 2 uses an expiration time so a ClassLoader could be unloaded in
say some reasonable amount of time.

To implement:

1. Level 1 cache is a direct replacment of class_to_type with
   CacheBuilder weak keys/weak values/removal listener. Also we will
   not attempt to expose it as a Map going forward; adjust
   class_to_type usage accordingly.

2. Level 2 cache is weak keys/strong values/expires after write. We
   can tune this expiration as was done with the regex cache and the
   python.sre.cachespec option,

3. For removalListener: (C, T) entries that are removed from Level 1
   will use removalListener to get placed in Level 2 (safe because
   Level 1 is concurrent; and obviously hard refs would prevent it
   from being removed while under construction).

4. Try both caches when looking up the type T for class C. Because
   synchronized, there's no visible inconsistency; if no entry for C
   because it was removed, simply recompute T'. There is a small
   window of time that it could be in the process of being moved to
   Level 2, but this does not affect correctness; (C, T) will be
   eventually expired from Level 2 and (C, T') is a valid repllacement
   for it (because there can be no hard refs to T outside the level 2
   cache itself).

looks potentially useful as an alternative for publishing PyType
objects into a cache. But we need to address two key questions:

1. Whether ClassValue#computeValue would work properly in the
   re-entrant case where the class graph from a given class C is
   explored, as is done for inners, possibly referring back to C. This
   is why we could not get the publication of the type in the map done
   after the init (as one would usually want to do!) in
   (putIfAbsent); class C would be referenced, and it would attempt to
   build again (and stack overflow). No solution I tried could break
   this problem.

2. When to call ClassValue#removeValue ! We still have to keep track
   of the cache with respect to PyType.
Date User Action Args
2017-08-05 19:34:58zyasoftsetmessageid: <>
2017-08-05 19:34:58zyasoftsetrecipients: + zyasoft, jeff.allen, darjus, stefan.richthofer, jamesmudd
2017-08-05 19:34:58zyasoftlinkissue2487 messages
2017-08-05 19:34:56zyasoftcreate