
Author jeff.allen
Recipients fwierzbicki, jamesmudd, jeff.allen, stefan.richthofer
Date 2019-03-03.16:32:07
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I may have this one cornered now. It has taken me a while to understand how this all works and the proper role of impAttr in particular (as opposed to how it gets used), and what other parts of the imp module/class actually do, and don't do.

We have tussled over whether or not to make a call to impAttr within PyModule.__findattr_ex__. When we do, we get the auto-import of Python sub-modules that James complains of, and is contrary to Python semantics. When we don't, we fail to import of Java packages and classes when the file system represents both. One solution seems to be reassuringly simple. Instead of impAttr at that point, we need just that part of impAttr that deals with Java packages and classes.

I still think there is a case for re-working all this fundamentally. But I'm hoping this simpler change will fix things for 2.7.2.
Date User Action Args
2019-03-03 16:32:07jeff.allensetmessageid: <>
2019-03-03 16:32:07jeff.allensetrecipients: + jeff.allen, fwierzbicki, stefan.richthofer, jamesmudd
2019-03-03 16:32:07jeff.allenlinkissue2654 messages
2019-03-03 16:32:07jeff.allencreate