
Author Daniel
Recipients Daniel, jeff.allen
Date 2022-04-18.19:57:02
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I just need to choose a way for developments: Jython, GraalVM, own implementation based on JNI and C++. You give me hope that Jython may become a good start for a perspective.

I understand that 2.7.3 will not help us with numpy. But maybe JyNI will help. As I understand, it will be released very soon?

I'm not orthodox, I'm a Jew and work in a project "8th Day of Creation" :)
Date User Action Args
2022-04-18 19:57:02Danielsetmessageid: <>
2022-04-18 19:57:02Danielsetrecipients: + Daniel, jeff.allen
2022-04-18 19:57:02Daniellinkissue2928 messages
2022-04-18 19:57:02Danielcreate