
Author leouserz
Date 2007-01-12.17:05:00
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
A possible fix for the __del__ added after the class is defined is the patch attached.  If an instance is created after this it will be able to create a PyFinalizableInstance.  Now this patch in itself seem problematic.  PyFinalizableInstance doesn't check if its __del__ method has been nulled out.  But this doesn't appear to cause any terrible problems at finalize time.  It still would be better to check things out and not throw a NullPointerException(this appears hidden).

The simplest fix would be to define finalize in PyInstance and check if __del__ is not null in its instclass variable.  If so, execute __del__.  This would probably take care of any problems with mutations on __del__ for all existing instances.  Though I am worried about PyInstances sitting in memory longer than they need to.

File Added: PyClassDiff.txt
Date User Action Args
2008-02-20 17:18:37adminlinkissue1634167 messages
2008-02-20 17:18:37admincreate