
Author cgroves
Recipients cgroves, dmbaggett
Date 2008-12-10.08:15:19
SpamBayes Score 1.9079804e-10
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
This seems like the same thing as issue1747126 unless I'm missing
something.  It's adding the ability to read py and py$class files
through the classpath in addition to the filesystem, right? That's
something I've wanted for years, so I'm glad to see someone working on it.

As for the implementation in the patch, is there any reason it couldn't
work as a PEP 302 import path hook?  That's how I'd envisioned this
functionality implemented up until now.  Java class and package import
is handled by an import hook, JavaImporter, that keys off the
__classpath__ entry in sys.path.  I could see the same thing working for
this keying off something like __pyclasspath__ or some better name.  I
prefer that to modifying and as it goes through the
extension mechanism we already have.

As far as getting this patch or one along the lines I outlined accepted,
you should make sure to use spaces instead of tabs in your java code,
and this will definitely need some test cases to run as part of
regrtest. imp stuff is always fragile, so if we're not exercising it as
part of the build, it's bound to break.
Date User Action Args
2008-12-10 08:15:20cgrovessetmessageid: <>
2008-12-10 08:15:20cgrovessetrecipients: + cgroves, dmbaggett
2008-12-10 08:15:20cgroveslinkissue1181 messages
2008-12-10 08:15:19cgrovescreate