
Author NNardelli
Recipients NNardelli, dgriff, fwierzbicki, mikegremi, pedronis
Date 2009-07-15.15:27:04
SpamBayes Score 1.6653345e-16
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Hello everybody

I did some tests with Jython and Java on an EBCDIC platform.

The environment:
* OMVS on one of the latest z/OS versions.
* "java -version" returns:
java version "1.6.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pmz3160sr3-20081108_01(SR3))
IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, J2RE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 z/OS s390-31
jvmmz3160-20081107_25433 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - 20081105_025433_bHdSMr
JIT  - r9_20081031_1330      
GC   - 20081027_AB)          
JCL  - 20081106_01           
* Jython version: Jython 2.5b3
* Jython is copied to jy.jar, own java programs to javalibs.jar
* Invoking Jathon like this : java -cp javalibs.jar -jar jy.jar >out_pyth.txt 2>err_pyth.txt

The test:
Attached are a Python and a Java program. First calls second at various
times, and both output strings in various charset encodings (a mix of
ASCII and EBCDIC) to stdout. Python/Jython uses sys.stdout.write() while
Java uses System.out.println()

The mixed output is in file outbug_binary.txt. Files outbug_expected.txt
and outbug_actual.txt provide a more human-readable (in ASCII) view of
what the expected and actual program outputs are. Result of the
comparizon is visualized with outbug.pdf : output strings are
"re-ordered" !!!

First remarks and conclusions:
1) Java's println() sends the string to stdout each time, with the right

2) In the case of Python, write() sends the output to stdout only when
it encounters a character x'0A' (ASCII encoding of EOL '\n'). EBCDIC
does not use '\n', but character NEL (or NL, Next Line), in EBCDIC
x'15', and UNICODE '\u0085'.

3) If we use Python's print() instead of write(), then it appends a
x'0A' to whatever string, and there is no re-ordering problem. But x'0A'
is no EBCDIC, so we have mixed ASCII and EBCDIC where we do not
wish/expect it.

4) My Python's current encodings are:
Jython stdout encoding= US-ASCII                   from sys.stdout.encoding
Jython stdin  encoding= US-ASCII                   from sys.stdin.encoding
System default encoding: ascii                     from
Locale, default: ('en_US', 'cp037')                from
Locale, current: (None, None)                      from locale.getlocale()
Locale, preferred encoding: cp037                  from

Even though I specified the following in my .profile:
export LANG=En_US.IBM037    
export LC_CTYPE=En_US.IBM037
export LC_ALL=En_US.IBM037  

Seems like Python/Jython does not get the correct default encodings from
the terminal.

5) sys.stdout.encoding is read-only. I believe this is wrong,
programmers should be able to set stdout's encoding on the fly.

6) Alterning encodings by replacing sys.stdout with:
* codecs.getwriter("cp037")(sys.__stdout__)
* codecs.getwriter("ascii")(sys.__stdout__)
does not work: of course, we do not need to encode() and decode()
manually, but for write(), the character triggering a flush() to the
buffer is always the x'0A'. IMHO, this is a bug: the EOL character
should be the one specified by each encoding.

7) Using print() in 6/ instead of sys.stdout.write(string+EOL) does not
work, since as in 2/, print() appends x'0A' in EBCDIC mode, not x'15'

8) Tried Jython in interactive mode in OMVS on an z/OS terminal (TN3270).
It starts, but input does not work at all, it looks like Jython does not
like EBCDIC in StdIn.
Probably the same encoding problems as for StdOut.

So, what do you think of all this?
I hope I provided enough information to help you debug.
If not, simply mail me, I can do some tests on the system for you.
Date User Action Args
2009-07-15 15:27:05NNardellisetmessageid: <>
2009-07-15 15:27:05NNardellisetrecipients: + NNardelli, pedronis, fwierzbicki, dgriff, mikegremi
2009-07-15 15:27:05NNardellilinkissue550200 messages
2009-07-15 15:27:04NNardellicreate