
Author pjenvey
Recipients fwierzbicki, pekka.klarck, pjenvey, yanne, zyasoft
Date 2009-10-20.04:52:43
SpamBayes Score 6.1055445e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I've improved our startup time slightly in trunk (for 2.5.2), but we're 
still a bit slower than 2.2. Hopefully we can improve more before 2.5.2 

One large different between 2.2 and 2.5 is we now import the site module 
by default. If you're relying on 2.2, you obviously don't need this to 
happen, you can be disable with the -S option.

2.5 also has an experimental --boot option that improves startup time 
(however breaks some things, see #1127, #1129). We may eventually turn 
this on by default

On my machine (YMMV, comparing my trunk checkout to a 2.2 release and a 
2.5.1 install with a jython-full jar probably isn't even a fair 
comparison, but you can get an idea), we see around:

(jython)pjenvey@golgo13:~/src/java/jython$ time jython-Release_2_2maint 
-c "pass"

real	0m1.423s
user	0m1.753s
sys	0m0.257s

(jython)pjenvey@golgo13:~/src/java/jython$ time 
~/Downloads/jython2.5.1/jython -c "pass"

real	0m3.217s
user	0m4.428s
sys	0m0.641s

As of r6886:

(jython)pjenvey@golgo13:~/src/java/jython$ time dist/bin/jython -c 

real	0m2.399s
user	0m2.933s
sys	0m0.415s

r6886 sans site import:

(jython)pjenvey@golgo13:~/src/java/jython$ time dist/bin/jython -S -c 

real	0m1.870s
user	0m2.038s
sys	0m0.283s

r6886 sans site, boot classpath

(jython)pjenvey@golgo13:~/src/java/jython$ time dist/bin/jython -S --
boot -c "pass"

real	0m1.217s
user	0m1.309s
sys	0m0.235s
Date User Action Args
2009-10-20 04:52:45pjenveysetmessageid: <>
2009-10-20 04:52:45pjenveysetrecipients: + pjenvey, fwierzbicki, pekka.klarck, zyasoft, yanne
2009-10-20 04:52:45pjenveylinkissue1380 messages
2009-10-20 04:52:43pjenveycreate