
Author richardwoolliscroft
Recipients cgroves, pekka.klarck, pjenvey, richardwoolliscroft
Date 2009-10-28.09:54:39
SpamBayes Score 1.0248868e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Actually, I'm not sure a change to StoutWrapper would fix this. 

The problem is that displayhook in PySystemState calls __repr__ on
everything to be printed to the stdout. 

If the object is a PyUnicode then its __repr__ method returns a PyString
which is passed into Py.stdout.println, so StoutWrapper cannot
distinguish between something which originally was a PyUnicode or a
PyString. So any unicode string would always come out with a u at the
start and not be properly encoded.
Date User Action Args
2009-10-28 09:54:40richardwoolliscroftsetmessageid: <>
2009-10-28 09:54:40richardwoolliscroftsetrecipients: + richardwoolliscroft, cgroves, pekka.klarck, pjenvey
2009-10-28 09:54:40richardwoolliscroftlinkissue1802339 messages
2009-10-28 09:54:39richardwoolliscroftcreate