
Author matt_brinkley
Recipients adam.spiers, amak, colinhevans, fwierzbicki, matt_brinkley, pjenvey, zyasoft
Date 2010-09-08.20:48:53
SpamBayes Score 6.2462564e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I will do a svn update and try out the new change.

I can get a minimal test case in a bit, but in summary I test in the following way: I have created a minimal web app (servlet) that just opens and runs a python script using the jython library as a part of its initialization. I install this in Tomcat, start Tomcat, and then use the Tomcat manager to remove my test web app. Finally, I verify the classloader was GCed by forcing some JVM GCs and then doing a heap dump with a tool like VisualVM or yourkit.
Date User Action Args
2010-09-08 20:48:53matt_brinkleysetmessageid: <>
2010-09-08 20:48:53matt_brinkleysetrecipients: + matt_brinkley, fwierzbicki, amak, pjenvey, zyasoft, colinhevans, adam.spiers
2010-09-08 20:48:53matt_brinkleylinkissue1327 messages
2010-09-08 20:48:53matt_brinkleycreate