
Author pjenvey
Recipients amak, fwierzbicki, jeff250, pjenvey, ssweens
Date 2012-06-28.19:01:26
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Here's a potential fix. We're replacing the Channels.newChannel wrapper with our own that will do more than one blocking read

The commented out read method doesn't quite do it, we need potentially multiple blocking reads to suffice the entire requested size in some cases

It might be worthwhile to make the initial TRANSFER_SIZE value equal to 'len' there.

I don't know why the the original wrapper is synchronizing the read. Buffers aren't thread safe. The Channels.newChannel wrapper is strange =\
Date User Action Args
2012-06-28 19:01:28pjenveysetmessageid: <>
2012-06-28 19:01:28pjenveysetrecipients: + pjenvey, fwierzbicki, amak, jeff250, ssweens
2012-06-28 19:01:27pjenveylinkissue1754 messages
2012-06-28 19:01:27pjenveycreate