
Author amak
Recipients amak, doublep, draghuram, fwierzbicki,, marc, pekka.klarck, ph4r05, pjenvey
Date 2012-08-14.21:44:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I think that this is to do with the JLineConsole.

If you change the "python.console" property in the registry file to "org.python.util.InteractiveConsole", i.e


The ctrl-c starts working fine.

If you leave it at the default JLine console ( then ctrl-c seems to get treated as a normal character (shows up as a heart symbol on my windows command line).

I suggest you try a different console class until this is fixed.

I'll look into how we can address this.

In the meantime, I would be interested in reports to see if changing the console class fixes the issue on various platforms.
Date User Action Args
2012-08-14 21:44:17amaksetmessageid: <>
2012-08-14 21:44:17amaksetrecipients: + amak, fwierzbicki, draghuram, pekka.klarck, pjenvey, doublep, marc,, ph4r05
2012-08-14 21:44:17amaklinkissue1313 messages
2012-08-14 21:44:16amakcreate