
Author bpedman
Recipients adam.spiers, bpedman
Date 2012-12-19.16:51:06
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
We have been testing out Jython 2.7 and this can also be fixed by making the codecs attached to the system state rather than being static. So we created a CodecState class that basically implements all the same methods as codecs and redirected the methods in codecs back to the current PySystemState's CodecState. This way the codecs are cleaned up along with the system state and the codecs do not have to be synchronized (to avoid race conditions when populating the search function)

The problem with doing as stated in the initial description is that the search function from the first interpreter is going to be the only function loaded and would probably be the cause of another leak (the initial PySystemState would hang around since the search_function PyFunction object hangs around in the static codecs class...though this is unconfirmed)
Date User Action Args
2012-12-19 16:51:08bpedmansetmessageid: <>
2012-12-19 16:51:08bpedmansetrecipients: + bpedman, adam.spiers
2012-12-19 16:51:08bpedmanlinkissue1746 messages
2012-12-19 16:51:06bpedmancreate