
Author rec
Recipients fwierzbicki, jflatow, rec
Date 2014-03-21.19:39:59
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I also stumbled other this issue today in Jython 2.5.4rc 1 (respectively in HEAD). My fix was a smaller modification than what is provided in the present patch but generally goes in the same direction: the findResource() code can be copied and modified minimally so that the "return" statements actually add the URLs to a collection which is then returned as an enumeration. I also had to fix this because I am using Spring's classpath-scanning functionality. It would be most excellent if this could be included with the official sources. It is such a trivial addition that I believe it should be reasonable to add it without specific test cases. If you can point me to a test case that tests the findResource() method of SyspathJavaLoader I could possibly create a modified version for testing findResources()
Date User Action Args
2014-03-21 19:40:00recsetmessageid: <>
2014-03-21 19:40:00recsetrecipients: + rec, fwierzbicki, jflatow
2014-03-21 19:40:00reclinkissue1896215 messages
2014-03-21 19:39:59reccreate