
Author zyasoft
Recipients ajdavis, fwierzbicki, pjenvey, zyasoft
Date 2014-07-15.19:45:50
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Perhaps we can emulate this support via tracking with weak references, then dequeueing the corresponding reference queue and calling __del__, vs using a finalizer method that calls __del__. Such an approach would also support possible resurrection.

The tricky bit will be to figure out how to making object construction even more expensive than it already is.

As was discussed in #1634167, dynamically adding __del__ to the class of with some existing object x would not call x.__del__(), since we do not track the objects of a given class. A RuntimeWarning should be generated in this case like PyPy (
Date User Action Args
2014-07-15 19:45:51zyasoftsetmessageid: <>
2014-07-15 19:45:51zyasoftsetrecipients: + zyasoft, fwierzbicki, pjenvey, ajdavis
2014-07-15 19:45:51zyasoftlinkissue1057 messages
2014-07-15 19:45:50zyasoftcreate