
Title: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.python.core.PySingleton cannot be cast to [Lcom.X.EnumType
Type: behaviour Severity: minor
Components: Core Versions: Jython 2.7
Status: closed Resolution: wont fix
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: stefan.richthofer Nosy List: stefan.richthofer, ucguy
Priority: low Keywords:

Created on 2018-09-05.10:28:57 by ucguy, last changed 2018-09-10.22:00:17 by stefan.richthofer.

msg12092 (view) Author: ucguy (ucguy) Date: 2018-09-05.10:28:56
I get this error when I am doing following : 

    return (T) object.__tojava__(clazz);

and clazz is MyEnum[].class and MyEnum is an Java Enum. 

Note that it works for String[] but not for Enum array. 

As a workaround, I used String[] and some reflection bits to make it work but it would be good to listen about this.
msg12093 (view) Author: Stefan Richthofer (stefan.richthofer) Date: 2018-09-06.20:10:24
This might be related to ideas discussed in

ucguy, your description reads somewhat cryptic to me. While I can roughly guess what you try to do I would prefer an explicit description.

Please provide an - ideally runnable - code example, the output you get and the output you expect or would hope for.

That said, I think that Jython's automatic conversion does not support enums as of this writing. What Python object would you expect as a result? AFAIK enums are not part of standard Python, one needs a special module, e.g. to enable enums in Python. Jython cannot support in terms of automatic coercion all sorts of non-standard modules arround.
msg12098 (view) Author: ucguy (ucguy) Date: 2018-09-10.08:44:51
Apologies for not making my post a bit descriptive earlier. 

As you correctly sensed, I am trying to convert a Python string array (which is supposed to have enum constants) to Java Enum array. 

I believe I got my answer as enums are not part of the standard python so I shouldn't expect an enum array as a result of automatic conversion in Jython.

As a workaround, now I am getting Java String[] from Python array and then I am converting it to Enum[] using reflection.

Thanks for mentioning the useful references. This can now be closed.
msg12099 (view) Author: Stefan Richthofer (stefan.richthofer) Date: 2018-09-10.22:00:17
Alright. From time to time I reason whether there is a way to support enums in Jython somewhat consistently (e.g. simply convert them to a dict or so). I never looked into in detail but maybe it can be supported indirectly in kind of a duck typing approach. However this stuff has no notably priority in foreseeable future. So I'll close this now as won't fix.
Date User Action Args
2018-09-10 22:00:17stefan.richthofersetstatus: open -> closed
severity: major -> minor
type: crash -> behaviour
messages: + msg12099
priority: low
assignee: stefan.richthofer
resolution: wont fix
2018-09-10 08:44:52ucguysetmessages: + msg12098
2018-09-06 20:10:25stefan.richthofersetnosy: + stefan.richthofer
messages: + msg12093
2018-09-05 10:28:57ucguycreate