
Author ucguy
Recipients stefan.richthofer, ucguy
Date 2018-09-10.08:44:51
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Apologies for not making my post a bit descriptive earlier. 

As you correctly sensed, I am trying to convert a Python string array (which is supposed to have enum constants) to Java Enum array. 

I believe I got my answer as enums are not part of the standard python so I shouldn't expect an enum array as a result of automatic conversion in Jython.

As a workaround, now I am getting Java String[] from Python array and then I am converting it to Enum[] using reflection.

Thanks for mentioning the useful references. This can now be closed.
Date User Action Args
2018-09-10 08:44:52ucguysetmessageid: <>
2018-09-10 08:44:52ucguysetrecipients: + ucguy, stefan.richthofer
2018-09-10 08:44:52ucguylinkissue2702 messages
2018-09-10 08:44:51ucguycreate