
Author sherif
Recipients jeff.allen, sherif
Date 2020-05-24.11:26:51
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Jeff,

No, this is not the case. I have tried with more than one Jython
installation files of 2.7.2 and 2.7.1, all failed unfortunately.

I couldn't find the issue in the bug list so comment on this email thread.

I'd like to use Jython for Fiji-ImageJ platform but so far no luck.

Best regards,

On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 10:10 AM Jeff Allen <> wrote:

> Jeff Allen <> added the comment:
> Not fixed, and very odd, considering where it happens.
> Normally with the message "Cannot create PyString with non-byte value" I'd
> suspect non-ascii paths or character coding on the host, but I think the
> string here should just be a class name. It's going wrong here:
> and I wonder why Jython is doing stuff with reflected methods anyway? And
> why only on your machine?
> It's not like installing on a Windows machine is anything new, and I don't
> see why this bit should be sensitive to anything in your particular
> environment. It looks like code that would execute identically whenever
> Jython starts on any machine.
> Could the installer be a bad copy? You'd think it wouldn't run at all, in
> that case, but I'm stumped for now.
> ----------
> nosy: +jeff.allen
> priority:  -> normal
> _______________________________________
> Jython tracker <>
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> _______________________________________
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unnamed sherif, 2020-05-24.11:26:50
Date User Action Args
2020-05-24 11:26:51sherifsetrecipients: + sherif, jeff.allen
2020-05-24 11:26:51sheriflinkissue2890 messages
2020-05-24 11:26:51sherifcreate