List of issues

Severity ID Creation Activity Actor Title Components Versions Milestone Status Resolution Creator Assigned To Keywords Depends On Type
normal 1000 202 months ago 115 months ago zyasoft JFileChooser java bug in installer Installer     closed out of date otmarhumbel otmarhumbel test failure causes   behaviour
normal 1001 201 months ago 149 months ago tyh73bac regression: a jython program which used to work for 2.1 is not working on 2.2 Core     closed wont fix leo_sakaguchi       behaviour
normal 1002 201 months ago 79 months ago jeff.allen static java methods on class hidden by object methods Core Jython 2.7   open remind crotwell   patch    
normal 1003 201 months ago 192 months ago pjenvey struct packing inconsistent with CPython Library Jython 2.1   closed fixed davidhuebel       behaviour
normal 1004 201 months ago 201 months ago fwierzbicki md5 digest incorrect compared to python Core 2.2.2   closed invalid rcatherman       behaviour
normal 1005 201 months ago 201 months ago amak UDP Socket implicit create and unbound socket timeout Library 2.2.2   closed fixed rluse amak     behaviour
urgent 1006 201 months ago 201 months ago pjenvey __import__ fromlist doesn't get processed Core     closed fixed tristan pjenvey     behaviour
normal 1007 201 months ago 185 months ago pjenvey pickling of a class derived from dict delivers only empty dicts Library 2.2.2   closed fixed PBlitz       behaviour
urgent 1008 201 months ago 191 months ago cgroves Jython broken on Java Web Start 1.6 Core, Library 2.2rc1   closed fixed redl0tus       crash
normal 1009 201 months ago 201 months ago pjenvey Patch to add 'at' to the repr string. Core     closed fixed jszakmeister        
critical 1010 201 months ago 201 months ago cgroves module logging doesn't work after rev 4201 Core 2.5alpha1   closed invalid shoyu       crash
normal 1011 201 months ago 192 months ago nriley ant task to create launcher script Core 2.5alpha1   closed fixed nriley       rfe
normal 1012 201 months ago 116 months ago zyasoft Jython nailgun-like script Core Jython 2.7   open remind nriley       rfe
critical 1013 201 months ago 201 months ago cgroves jython crash with command: threading.local() Core 2.5alpha1   closed fixed shoyu zyasoft     crash
normal 1014 200 months ago 79 months ago jeff.allen Patch for inspect.getargspec to work with PyReflectedFunction Core     open remind crotwell nobody     rfe
normal 1015 200 months ago 195 months ago leosoto unicode string combination with % behaves unexpectedly Core 2.5alpha1   closed fixed seamus fwierzbicki     behaviour
normal 1016 200 months ago 198 months ago amak Support socket.TCP_NODELAY Library 2.2.2   closed fixed pjenvey amak     behaviour
minor 1017 200 months ago 124 months ago zyasoft Jython new style classes lack __basicsize__ Documentation     closed wont fix pjenvey       behaviour
normal 1018 200 months ago 141 months ago amak UDP recvfrom fails to get the remote address Library 2.2.1rc1   closed fixed asterio amak      
normal 1019 200 months ago 200 months ago pjenvey Can't change new-style class __name__ Core Deferred   closed fixed JP pjenvey     behaviour
critical 1020 200 months ago 195 months ago zyasoft How to create a RuleLink and disable after open once the link...       closed rejected Vvalluru       behaviour
normal 1021 200 months ago 200 months ago amak Different Behaviour in socket.accept() and socket.listen() between jython and python Library 2.2.1rc1   closed wont fix asterio amak      
normal 1022 200 months ago 195 months ago zyasoft Class definitions aren't provided a __module__ variable Core     closed fixed pjenvey       behaviour
normal 1023 200 months ago 197 months ago zyasoft String missing rsplit Core 2.5alpha1   closed accepted pjenvey zyasoft     behaviour
normal 1024 200 months ago 189 months ago fwierzbicki Jython $py.class bytecode doesn't include the .py's mtime Core     closed fixed pjenvey fwierzbicki test failure causes   behaviour
normal 1025 200 months ago 192 months ago pjenvey imp.find_module can't find builtin modules Core     closed fixed pjenvey        
major 1026 200 months ago 187 months ago zyasoft list not totally thread safe Core     closed accepted pjenvey zyasoft     crash
normal 1031 199 months ago 114 months ago zyasoft PyDictionaryDerived.__cmp__ is not fully CPython-compatible Core     closed out of date leosoto fwierzbicki     behaviour
normal 1032 199 months ago 185 months ago pjenvey 2.2.1: "%s" % u"\xA7" -> UnicodeError Core 2.2.2   closed fixed pekka.klarck       behaviour
major 1033 199 months ago 198 months ago pjenvey zlib.adler32 computes wrong values Library 2.2.2   closed fixed irmen amak     behaviour
normal 1034 199 months ago 199 months ago pjenvey can't supply dict() for globals in FunctionType() Core Deferred   closed fixed jek       behaviour
normal 1035 199 months ago 199 months ago pjenvey set incorrectly raises TypeError when asked for superset/subset on non-set iterables Library 2.5alpha1   closed fixed jbellis        
normal 1036 199 months ago 199 months ago pjenvey make Jython set pass (almost) all CPython tests Library 2.5alpha1   closed fixed jbellis        
normal 1037 198 months ago 198 months ago pjenvey float(None) throws AttributeError instead of TypeError       closed fixed leosoto        
normal 1038 198 months ago 198 months ago pjenvey Custom KeyErrors raised from __getitem__ are swallowed Core     closed fixed leosoto       behaviour
normal 1039 198 months ago 198 months ago pjenvey AttributeError message on type instances doesn't match the CPython message Core     closed fixed leosoto       behaviour
normal 1040 198 months ago 198 months ago pjenvey KeyError.__str__ doesn't use repr() Core     closed fixed leosoto       behaviour
normal 1041 198 months ago 196 months ago leosoto AttributeError raised from descriptors __get__ method are swallowed Core     closed fixed leosoto leosoto     behaviour
normal 1042 198 months ago 195 months ago fwierzbicki Jython does not intern strings as aggressively as CPython Core 2.5alpha1   closed wont fix fwierzbicki   test failure causes   behaviour
normal 1043 198 months ago 190 months ago amak Special broadcast host address <broadcast> is not supported. Library 2.2.2   closed fixed amak amak      
normal 1044 198 months ago 149 months ago fyrn76ji Patch to support for BigIntegers and PyLong on the PostgresqlDataHandler zxjdbc     closed fixed leosoto       behaviour
normal 1045 198 months ago 196 months ago leosoto PyBoolean.__tojava__(Object.class) should return a Boolean Core     closed fixed leosoto       behaviour
normal 1046 198 months ago 197 months ago zyasoft Problems with re and unicode Core 2.5alpha1   closed   leosoto zyasoft      
normal 1047 198 months ago 195 months ago zyasoft xml.dom.pulldom doesn't work None     closed fixed leosoto       behaviour
major 1048 198 months ago 198 months ago fwierzbicki List Comprehension in finally throws NPE Core 2.2.2   closed fixed fwierzbicki fwierzbicki      
normal 1049 198 months ago 141 months ago amak tes_socket_ssl test_rude_shutdown deadlocks Core     closed invalid pjenvey amak      
normal 1050 198 months ago 196 months ago nriley Don't display banner/prompts when stdin is not a tty Core 2.5alpha1   closed fixed nriley nriley     behaviour
major 1051 198 months ago 191 months ago amak socket does not define AF_UNSPEC and AI_PASSIVE constants Library     closed fixed billiejoex amak      
normal 1052 198 months ago 192 months ago pjenvey __int__ returning PyLong = ClassCastException mayhem Core     closed fixed pjenvey pjenvey     crash
normal 1053 198 months ago 149 months ago gvid777an Better string interpolation with unicode args Core     closed fixed leosoto       behaviour
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