List of issues

ID Activity Title Status Creator Assigned To
2382 77 months ago BigInteger becomes long in Jython 2.7 open kaneg  
1861 77 months ago Triage FIXME skips/other changes in regrtest specific to Jython open fwierzbicki  
2029 77 months ago The codeop.Compile class does not expose compiler flags as expected open seletz  
2035 77 months ago should raise TypeError open cht  
2039 77 months ago __future__.unicode_literals doesn't affect eval open gsnedders  
2185 77 months ago not included in Jython open fwierzbicki  
2406 77 months ago socket.IPV6_V6ONLY is missing from Jython 2.7 open  
2517 89 months ago Showers of stack dumps from netty finalization open jeff.allen jeff.allen
2148 102 months ago Support a complete implementation of ctypes via JyNI open zyasoft stefan.richthofer
1815 112 months ago should mention the other licenses open cxbrooks  
2896 26 months ago Jython's logger is split from everything else open doublep  
2647 46 months ago Py.newDateTime, Py.newTime should initialize timezone python datetime/time objects open tmeagher  
2888 48 months ago -Q new always fails pending hansiang93  
2870 49 months ago PrePy.getJarFileNameFromURL fails hard when Jython jar is embedded in another jar open maku  
1684 50 months ago PyException wrapper for a Java exception raised directly from Python code doesn't have cause set open doublep  
2890 50 months ago Jython fails to install and run in Win 10 Pro open sherif  
2880 51 months ago JVM hangs on PyType.createType method open zsultan  
2884 51 months ago Issue with unicode_escape blocks use of future open stefan.richthofer  
2872 51 months ago -m option does not search modules from current directory open rad164  
2860 54 months ago from some_java_lib import * does not import all names open gbach  
2838 54 months ago Java List and Python list semantic divergence open jeff.allen  
2854 55 months ago from module import * leads to wild goose chase open jeff.allen  
2736 55 months ago ensurepip fails with: pip 9.0.1 requires SSL/TLS (after minimal linstall) open stuaxo  
2812 58 months ago Failure in test_sort.TestBase.testStressfully on Java 11 open jeff.allen  
2794 60 months ago missing from modjy tests open jeff.allen  
2642 60 months ago ImportError when importing in multiple PyScriptEngine concurrently open tcdelaney  
2278 60 months ago Jython runtime instrumentation open zyasoft  
2790 60 months ago Equivalent signal handlers do not test equal using == open jeff.allen  
2788 61 months ago utf_8_decode doesn't support memoryview open behackett  
2780 61 months ago Update ctypes/jffi to Python 2.7 and test open jeff.allen  
2320 63 months ago fileno() is -1 on Windows open jeff.allen jeff.allen
2746 64 months ago Divergence from Python in Java mapping types open jeff.allen jeff.allen
2754 64 months ago Failure in Py.initProxy for class not at module level open jeff.allen  
2752 64 months ago Allow Python functions to be used as a java.lang.FunctionalInterface open jamesmudd  
2750 64 months ago Make PyFunction implement java.util.concurrent.Callable<PyObject> open jamesmudd jamesmudd
2740 66 months ago ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PyStringMap open vigneshkumarsadasivam  
2734 67 months ago Re-work package scanning and cache for modules open jeff.allen  
2717 68 months ago Arguments mis-handled passing **kwargs from Java to Python open mohamad.mahajna  
2713 69 months ago Rounding a float field causes test_cpickle to fail open jeff.allen  
2710 70 months ago Key protection algorithm not found open jeff.allen  
2305 70 months ago sys.ps1 and sys.ps2 mentioned in dir(sys) in non-interactive mode open Arfrever  
2691 72 months ago __format__ method not implemented for boolean types - uses int open _peter_holloway  
2692 73 months ago Not allowed to post to the users mailing list open antomcg174 fwierzbicki
2697 73 months ago name$py.class is ignored when in a JAR with open jeff.allen  
2694 73 months ago Jython to python version mapping open joanselm  
2660 73 months ago Failure in urllib3 using versions of pip after pip 9.0.1 open jeff.allen  
2684 75 months ago WindowsError:[Error 123] The filename,directory name,or volume label syntax is incorrect. open jythontest2018  
2679 75 months ago Illegal reflective access by org.python.modules.gc open jeff.allen  
2680 75 months ago Ignore Java accessibility rules selectively by package (Java 9) open jeff.allen  
2670 76 months ago Non-public Java classes implementing collection types open jeff.allen  
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