List of issues - Show Unassigned

ID Activity Title Status Creator
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2938 15 months ago import MessageSource does not work anymore with jython2.7.2 open juniarti
2936 15 months ago can't use SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE in jython2.7.2 open juniarti
2934 17 months ago TypeError: read(): 1st arg can't be coerced to java.nio.CharBuffer, char[] open wupz
2918 25 months ago slim jar: missing resource file for zxJDBC open RaiManSikuliX
2920 34 months ago Exception thrown creating jar file. open molnar20
2618 35 months ago socket.sendall no longer sends all open behackett
2916 42 months ago Saving output of script which has korean string to a file open mithunairani
2900 49 months ago poll + POLLHUP causes AttributeError: 'SSLSocket' object has no attribute 'channel' open shane
2898 50 months ago Fix serialization format open doublep
2886 51 months ago doing relative imports in a loop causes bad performance due to 2472 open hansiang93
2878 51 months ago java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space open
2876 51 months ago NullPointer exception open Sunil1993
2874 51 months ago Jython 2.7 is not able to import an EBCDIC file on z/OS open Rodriguez
2868 53 months ago Value of `sys.stdout.encoding` changed in some cases on Windows open pekka.klarck
2866 53 months ago Interface default methods disregarded by the method resolver open nfalliere
2864 53 months ago Importing second instance of httplib causes an error open rses
2850 55 months ago Exception while creating python interpreter open Vikhe
2645 56 months ago pop method returns wrong result with Java LinkedList open jamesmudd
2824 57 months ago `os.path.abspath()` doesn't add drive letter to absolute paths on Windows (regression) open pekka.klarck
2802 57 months ago PEP 0263 magic coding comment rejected in UTF-8 open rhwood
2800 59 months ago Jython script engine hangs on "genericpath.isfile" during its initialization open fviale
2798 59 months ago OpenJDK 1.7.0_75-b13 string regrtest OutOfMemory on windows open adamburke
2776 62 months ago PySystemState is not serializable open filip.drozdowski
2023 63 months ago subprocess cannot run Windows batch file from current dir which was not starting dir open mniklas
2760 64 months ago How to call procedure with use zxjdbc and get back OUT parameter? open youlfey
2748 64 months ago Unable to start Jython with ssl due to exception 'ChildSocket' object has no attribute '_wrapper_socket' open arao
2458 67 months ago Support Tornado web server open zyasoft
2723 68 months ago Unusual behavior in SimpleCookie when '=' and '@' is used in nested object open rsmith31415
2722 68 months ago run-time issue while trying to reach external endpoint (Weather API) via Java/Jython open vaishnavihravi
2720 68 months ago wrap_scoket_exception: 'module' object has no attribute 'OP_NO_TLSv1_1' open arao
2712 69 months ago jython interpreter can't parse source from standard input open mete0r
2704 71 months ago wlst jython argparse open Tig
2701 72 months ago JVM seg Faulting when running standalone jython under a child first class loader open Hardy
2698 73 months ago urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error unknown url type: https> open wheelerlaw
2696 73 months ago open(None) results in java.lang.ClassCastException open jaraco
2693 74 months ago SAXParser, classloader and dynamically loading jython open webpentest
2695 74 months ago Add support for automatic coercion for python datetime into Java LocalDateTime open jamesmudd
2355 76 months ago Jython fails to import python modules from Lib when embedded in an eclipse plug-in open otto_fajardo
2363 76 months ago relative seeks works incorrectly after readline open amit
2464 77 months ago meta: notification messages from and are marked as spam by Google Gmail open jason_s
2449 77 months ago requests library causes memory leak and 100% GC time when handling keep-alive open latifrons
2574 77 months ago test_tarfile failed during CI build open jamesmudd
2567 77 months ago System state lost during JSR-223 initialisation open jeff.allen
2606 77 months ago jython launch problem sun.misc.InvalidJarIndexException open rafpar
2465 77 months ago no clear way to instantiate independent PythonInterpreters open jason_s
2466 77 months ago No response for script with invalid string open pradeeppanayal
2467 77 months ago Some threading's Thread methods return unicode strings open memoselyk
2513 77 months ago Standard output is mixed up if Python scripts are evaluated in parallel within one single JVM open yocaba
2540 77 months ago settrace doesn't notice "with" statements open nedbat
2595 77 months ago os.path.isdir does not recognize symlinks in z/OS open trickyturtle
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